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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: My parent's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

For all of my middle and high school years I was the shy geeky fat girl, but for some reason when I graduated I lost a lot of weight. It was probably stress because the pounds just melted away afterward. In any case through high school I had a crush on pretty much just one guy, but nothing ever came of it because of a lot of the superficial factors that probably will always affect the heads of young people everywhere. The fat girl is a no zone, and my lack of confidence probably didn’t help either.

So, sometime within a year of graduating I ran into the guy I had been infatuated with. He was a little taken aback at my change in appearance and I was flattered and excited when he asked me out.

We dated for awhile and eventually I asked him if we were exclusive or not. He agreed that we were. That night we watched a movie in the living room with my mother and father. We were covered in a blanket and his hands kept inching up my thighs making me excited and worried that my parents would notice that something was amiss. After my mother and father went to bed and it had be quite for awhile when we started making out. I had absolutely no experience with guys and so I didn’t understand how to read the signals. When his hand made its way up one leg of my loose boxer shorts I was at a loss because I’d never been past first base. Looking back he obviously thought he was better at what he was, because after maybe three minutes of his exploration of my downstairs, after which point I still had no idea what was even happening, he pulled down him pant and stuck his dick were his hand had just been. Right there on my parent’s couch in my parent’s house and right outside their bedroom door.

My head was reeling and then there was pain. Lots of pain because I was still in shock and obviously not turned on. I could have told him to stop, but I didn’t know how. I was scared that if I said anything he wouldn’t want to be with me anymore. In retrospect that was so ridiculous, but you can’t go back and tell yourself that while it’s happening. So, he pumped until he came, which took a surprisingly short time, and I cleaned myself up. The we watched videos on you-tube for awhile, during which time my dad came out to got to the bathroom, and all I could think is that he would know that something about me had changed. He didn’t and went back to bed.

The boy broke up with me, on msn, three days after taking my virginity. What an asshole. I wish I had done things differently, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

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