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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Woods
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

To be fair it all sounds like fiction now It was not that long ago a little over a month ago Pinecone (a wrestling nick name also how I met him) and had sex. To be fair I should probably start from the beginning by saying how it all started. So I had a crush on him from the year before then he dated my best friend which was not a very awesome time, but so anyways they broke up and we started spending time together. So we were at a trap meet together and we were there for a long time and we got bored and were heavily flirting and by the end of it we decided to fool around in his car on the side road of the trip home however I suddenly became a chicken and decided I wanted to stop and made him take me home. So we talked and I decided I didn’t want to do anything with him because he said he was just horny of course clearly that wasn’t the end. He started taking me home after school and we’d have 15 ish min’s to fool around but anyways one night we were hanging out with his ex girlfriend (and mine oops) and she was being pissy because she found out we had done something together and told him to take her home and we did. Then we went to the park because I wanted to swing but they were wet so all the sudden the wonderful ideal to fuck came up! And so I had to run home and change and shave and grab a condom and I made him wait in the car like a good boy for 15-20 mins before I was ready …then we went to the park again into the woods and we tried to do it standing up that didn’t work at all. So eventually on the cold hard ground of the forest we had sex it wasn’t really awkward but it didn’t go flawlessly. It kinda hurt and didn’t last any amazing time (to be fair though his comment to that was that I was a lot tighter then his ex/ his first which was like ha!)But even though it was “emotionless” sex it was still special. We have had sex since then and it’s gotten better and now it’s over which sucks I ended it though but it should have never started but I cant say I will ever regret it and even if I do someday I will always remember “Never regret something that once made you smile”

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