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His body is mine

Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: WO
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

His body will be mine, and my body will be his. I will care for him, respect him, and love him until the say we die. We will become one flesh on our honeymoon- the night that he will go into me for the first time. I have been faithful to him, as God has impressed upon me not to commit adultery (have sex before marriage). Have you ever thought of it that way? Having sex before you marry would be cheating on your future mate! The day God created earth, He picked out your spouse. He has known who you are going to marry for over a few thousand years. In that light, having sex before you wed your God-selected mate could very well be considered adultry.

So what should you do if you are tempted? Ask Christ for forgiveness, ask Him to come live inside you, and He will help. If you sincerely want the help, Christ will provide a way out. Then, recognize tempting situations before you get into them, and avoid them! Do not give Satan a foothold.

So what’s in it for you? The best sex you’ve ever dreamed of! If you stay faithful, then God will reward you. If you have been unfaithful to your future spouse, then ask for forgiveness and Christ will gladly forgive you. (In His forgiveness, please realize that all sin has consequences. The consequences of your sin will still occur, but God will not give you anything more than you can handle.) Once forgiven, Christ will help you to make the right decisions in any situation. All you have to do is learn to listen to Him, and ignore Satan (It’s harder than it sounds, but don’t give in! Stick to Christ!).

Following Christ will help you find the mate He has selected for you, and one day you will get married. Finally, your honeymoon will arrive, and your sex life will take off. Many secular scientists have performed studies on who has the best sex life. Time and time again they have concluded that those who have the best sex are married Christain couples (the couples are having sex with their spouse only). I am still looking forward to June 28th of ’03, the day I will become one flesh with my God-chosen mate. The wait will be well worth it, but the details will remain between my husband and myself.

One more thing- if you want to read about sex, read Song of Solomon in the Bible. Here, Solomon is raving about his beautiful wife and what a wonderful lover she is. Hey, if it’s in the Bible (in the context of marriage), sex must not be a bad thing! If God created it, shouldn’t He be the expert? God bless!

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