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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: his dorm room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well this wasn’t actualyl my first time. My first time was terrible and i actually don’t even consider it to be my first time after how amazing my second time was in comparison. It was my first date with this boy and it was amazing. I don’t believe in love at first site but this was as close as you could come to it. We were walking around the university campus (i live just off campus with my dad and was in 10th grade and he was in first year university in the residence across the street)we were walking around talking, kissing occasionally when all of a sudden it started pouring rain so we quickly walked inside and took the elevator up to his room. His roomate “decided he had to study at the library” and we were alone. we joked around for a while joking and talking and then we starting making out pretty heavily stripping off our clothes. we’d been friends for a while so we knew each other’s views on sex pretty well and neither one of us was experienced or had any plans of having sex again but something made us want it. So he asked me if i wanted to and i said yes. He went and got a condom and kept on asking to make sure because i guess he knew how nervous i was. It was amazing to say the least… simply amazing… that is until his roomate walked in… then promptly left so we just cuddled for a while, then i headed home. We continued to see each other and fell in love but our relationship was cut short a few months later 🙁 too bad good things always end 🙁

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