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Home Depot Guy

Age when it happend: 27
Where it happened: My apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I wanted to brighten up my apartment a bit by re-painting and redecorating most of the rooms. I went to Home Depot to get some ideas, where I met this gorgeous hunk of a guy in the paint department. We talked, and he showed me some samples, and gave me a few other suggestions. Then he volunteered to come over and look at my place, so he could get a better idea of what was needed, or what might be appropriate. He came over one afternoon after I got out of work — it was almost 6:00 P.M., and he looked over the entire apartment, and then we say at my kitchen table, discussing some of the options.I reallyfound myself attracted to this guy. He was a little older than myself — maybe 30 or 35, I’m not sure. At any rate, we ended up in my bedroom, where we took off our clothes and had some great sex. He was obviously experienced in this department as well as interior decorating. Now he has not only helped me redecorate the apartment,he has spiced up my sex life as well. He is fucking me a couple times a week, sometimes three — and I’m lovin’ it! Thank you Hom,e Depot for your wonderful salesmen!

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