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home run

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: girl friends house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

I was at her house. Her parents were at work. We were naked in her bed. I had a super hard boner. She was ready, I was ready. I got over on top of her and she placed the head of my boner in her. I began to push. It felt amazing, so firm the way her vaginal tunnel gripped my penis. No hand job could be like this. I was in all the way and paused while we kissed and then I began to do it with my penis. I wasn’t keeping time but may have lasted ten minuets. When I knew I was going to cum I pushed in deep till our pubic hairs were meshed like velcro. There was no turning back now, she had my sperm so the next couple of weeks we had sex six times and then her period was late. Now we have a son age 2 and are expecting another baby in 8 months. We haven’t told our parents she is pregnant again because I know they will be super pissed.

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