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homeless girl

Age when it happend: 75
Where it happened: my home
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

I was approached by a girl while I was parked uptown, she was carrying some heavy bags and came towards my car out in the parking lot, I thought she probably had a car behind mine, but she came to my window and asked if I could possibly give her a ride to a friends house which was a few miles further out. I considered the bags she was carrying and I thought I sure wouldn’t want to walk that far, so I said OK. When we got to the friends house she wasn’t able to get in, so we left. She then asked me if I know of a place she could stay that nite as she said she was homeless. She was about 30 years old, and nice figure, I said maybe she could spend the night at my place. I only have a one bedroom so I gave her my bed and I slept on the couch. She made herself at home and was constantly showering, fixing her hair, or trying on her clothes, which she got at the Salvation Army that I took her to. I thought I have to get this girl out of my house, it was going on two weeks. We did not have any physical relationship, other than her giving me backrubs when she liked me to buy her something. I finally had to tell her she had to leave as I had promised a relative my place to stay in and his trip from a distant state was immenent. I tried to fix her up with a motel room for that first night, but they wouldn’t rent to her as she had no ID, so I gave her the room money and took her to one of her local ackquaintances place and unloaded her bags and stuff there as whoever it was said she could stay. I didn’t see the person. A few days later she showed up at my home again, and almost begged to stay the night. She said we could have sex all night, it was tempting, but I said I am sorry. She left and I didn’t see her again for 3 weeks. She came by my house today, and we hugged, I actually was glad to see her. She had found a place to live and looked good, she had found some work and was making money. She is a pretty girl, I am much older than she, I just took her to the store where she picked up some groceries and stuff and took her back to her place, as she had been dropped off by someone when she came. She has some work to do, but is coming back in a few hours, we are going out to dinner, then she said maybe we can play on the bed, she knows I wanted to suck on her titties once. I was just helping the homeless, that’s how all this happened.

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