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“Honey it won’t fit!”

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: my bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Hmmm well i was 14. 14 and very well… yes horny id say. This really isn’t a fantasy crazy sex story it was just my first time.

Ok so me and my boyfriend [MC] were sexually active but not “sexually” active. We would kiss and touch and suck occasionally. But me and him decided we wanted more. Much more. SO… he came over [both of us knowing what we were going to do] and he sat down on my bed, laying his head on my shoulder.

he seemed so loveable. he kisses me sweetly and tickled me and talked to me. i felt loved. so he said.
“i love you” and i replied… kinda flirtatiously
“no you dont” he seemed a little “on” at the moment so he moved his hand on my back and got nose to nose with me.
“yes i do” he pecked me on my lips
“no you dont” he ran his hands up my back
“yes i do” he than french-kissed me, rubbing my back, coming up for air every so often.

he than began to become rougher, and slipped off my top. i was a little self conscience and covered my tummy with my arms. he nipped at my neck some and then undid my bra. no my nipples werent hard. i got a little nervous and squirmed on my back, but MC followed.

he licked my nipples and i must say it felt pretty good. i felt breathless for a moment and couldnt help but give a little squeak or two.

[now mind you i wasnt brought up like this. i was raises in a very “fancy” if you’ll call it family. etiquette comes first and well… this wasnt me]

“i want to kiss your stomach” he pulled my hands away from my tummy and kissed it softly, like a baby’s. he then proposed he take off his own shirt to comfort me. i loved him for that, so he then did so, along with his pants but not his cute purple boxers [his mom bought them… hehe] He began to dry hump me and i could feel his penis bump against my clitoris through my shorts. it felt good. but he knew what he wanted. and i was ready to give it to him. i slid off my shorts and panties and hesitated to spread my legs.

he nudged them apart and popped his penis out of his boxers [it was a nice penis i mus say, a little large, no lie, and i was scared i would be shreaded in two, but all together cleaned up and nice] and he flicked the head along my clitoris. now this DID feel great so i gave him a moan and he gave me a sigh. he then went to insert it…

i squeaked and pleaded “nono please nononono ouch that hurt! honey it wont fit!!” it hurt so badly. he told me it was going to be ok and he slowly slipped it in. ever so slowly. at first it hurt like a mother, but then it felt good when i saw he was panting like a dog in heat. i started to moan a little because i fely my g-spot being tickled and i knew he wanted to cum soon. i knew i wasnt going to orgasm so i just let him do the magic.

all in all it felt great. and im sure it felt better for him [he came on my tum] and yes. that was my first time. i enjoyed it but i was scared for half of it hehe. he broke up with me on may 2nd of 2006 because he ended up hating everything about me. heh. you win some you lose some. isnt that the truth.

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