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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: In the woods
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My family camped with a large number of other families all the time. Us kids would ride our motorcycles from dawn to dusk, and the parents would do whatever they did. At night while the parents sat around the fire drinking, we would be off doing whatever there was to do. I can’t say that any of the other guys had sex with any of the girls there, at least they didn’t tell me, but I had this huge crush on Heidi. She was so beautiful, so attractive and smart. She had the most awesome body, and she didn’t mind showing it off by the clothes she wore. I would get hard just looking at her. Her breats were large, but so very firm…no sag to them at all. Her butt was heart shaped, and very firm…..and her legs, oh my God, those legs…..but the thing that I loved the most were her eyes, as blue could be, and they sparked so bright…..

We had known each other for a couple of years and one day, just out of the blue, she kissed me when we had stopped for a break on a “poker run” we were riding in. It was on a mountain side, overlooking a valley….it was sunny and warm and I was with the girl I liked, and all of a sudden she leaned to me and kissed me open mouth. I was surprise at first, but I kissed her back. We did that for about 10 minutes when I get her hand rest on the bulge in my pants.

I didn’t say or do anything. I whispered to her that she didn’t have to do this, and she just took my hand and put it on her breast, then down to he pussy. The heat there was amazing…I was instantly ready to cum, and as soon as I had my cock out, I did cum. I spread her open and licked her, and it was the most wonderful thing in the world to see, hear and feel her cum. She too gave me head, I thought I would just die from the feeling of her hot mouth wrapped around me. She asked me if I was ready, and of course, I was.

The feeling of entering her for the first time is something I can still feel today. She was hot and very wet and eager. It hurt her the first couple of times, but we were soon able to do it with ease and enjoy it. Ever chance we had we were off fucking. She was great. The sounds she made were enough to make me cum, I had to keep my mind focused or I would shoot in less than a minute….she was so sexual and exciting….

We ended up dating, going steady, getting engaged, married….and now have 5 beautiful kids. To this day, when we are together, I think of her like she was. Today, when I look at her, I see the girl that made me man, and I fall more in love than the day before.

I couldn’t have had a better first time than the one we had together.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience