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Age when it happend: 40
Where it happened: at my sister's place
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

The last time I had seen my elder sister’s son Patrick,was when he was 10 years.having some family problems,my sister and her family moved to Australia years ago but they finally all returned back after the big family problems had been resolved.meanwhile,she had cut off with our family. when I saw them back,my nephew had grown up into a 17 old athletic young man.I had a thrill when he hugged me, a feeling whichI hadnot felt log time ago.I was already married with 2 grown up children who had gone to UK for their tertiary studies.my husband was no longer that man who could fuck me during hours.I must say that at the age of nearly 60,is sex appetite had drastically decreased and was often on overses business trips.One wend,
Pat phoned,ask me if he could stay for the wend for not having to travel at night after aparty given at one of his friend’s place not far from my house.I was overwhelmed with joy when he arrived home.At that moment,my pussy was already wet and I was sure that I would fuck him!I could not sleep and waited till he came back at 1.30 .I told him that he would have to sleep in my bed because I arranged that the bed in the other room went under repairs,He entered rhe house as I had gven him a key.Meanwhile I had put on a black slip,where my hairy pussy could be seen on both sides and had no bra on.I made as if I was sleeping.after 5 mins,when he was in bed,I heard that he was playing with his cock,which made me more horny.I just turned on my side and frenchkissed him witl all my heart.he was probably shocked as he remained silent during 1 or 2 mins.He then gave me his tongue which was as sweet as suger.He fingered me with 2 then 3 fingers.I was out of control and I cried and wept with desire when cumming.I stertyed to tell him bad words anf that got him more excited.He then took off my black string and started to suck my clitoris.God knows the no. of times I cried and cummed.T then put myself on my knees and asked him to fuk me very hard and which he did with success.We thn made a 69 position during 15 mins!!He also fucked me in the ass and sent like litres of sperm in my ass and then in my pussy.We fucked till 4 am!!We arose around 9 am and fucked again till noon,We then had lunch and went back in bed at 2 pm.We again fucked till 5 pm.Noone had been able to make me so horny,and cum so many times.Since 2 years he comes home very often and stay wiyh me when my husband is overseas.He gives me so much love and pleasure.I often give him gifts in money or otherwise.i DO NOT KNOW HOW LONG THIS WILL LAST BUT I AM ACTUALLY THE HAPPIEST WOMAN ON EARTH.Thks to you,my Patrick.

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