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hot girl at pool

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: her room
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

we were at a hotel for 2 nights i can’t remeber but there is one thing i do remember, megan the hotel had a waterpark so there were alot of hot girls there. i seen her leaving the pool so i went to talk to her we went back to her room and there was no one there so i stayed for a while and we were talking and she just started comming onto me so we started making out and feling eachothers bodys she was still in her bikini so it was easy to get her cloths off. she started to suck my cock it felt great then we went to the bed so i returned the favor then i put my dick into her, i could tell it hurt her so i went slow the frst time of 3 after that we went back to the pool and sat in the hot tub for a while then back to her room and did it again it didnt hurt her this time. then the next day i seen her at the pool again we seen eachother and ended up going to my room this time because my parents were not in there and fucked again. she was the hottest chick i’ve gone past making out with.

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