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Where it happened: my bed
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

My dad’s old Air Force buddy and his wife and old daughter came to visit us. We live at the beach so when the guys went to play golf and the ladies went shopping and to a movie, it left me and Kris to go to the beach. We laid out a big blanket and she wanted to sunbathe. My dick went to attention a soon as she took off her shirt and shorts and revealed a tiny two piece swimsuit barely covering a hot figure. As for me, she loved my beach boy tan. She was looking at me as much as I was looking at her. I know my hormones were racing but what I didn’t know is that she was, how you say, very sexually liberated. After about an hour of swimming and soaking in the sun she leaned over, put her hand on my chest and said she was in the mood for a good fuck. As shocked as I was I didn’t want to be uncool so I said real macho-like “I thought you’d never ask.” We hopped up and walked back to my house in our swimsuits. When we got in my room the tiny bikini disappeared and a few s later my bare dick was buried in her pussy. No forplay, just a raw fuck. She couldn’t get enough for the bext few days and I sure was sorry to see her leave.

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