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Hotel California

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: A friends house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was always around older people growing up and have always been more mature than my age. I had been dating an older guy against my parents wishes, naturally.

I had been sneaking out of my house at night to see him since our friends all had cars. One particular night I snuck out and they were waiting for me down the steet. I jump in and we all went to our buddies house.

While there he and I decided to go fool around as we always did in the back bedroom. We were listening to the Eagles. He asked me if I was ready and I agreed. I was 13 and he was 16. We played and undressed each other. He kissed me all over as I did him. He asked me many times if this was OK or if that wasn’t. I have to admit that I liked it all. He was gentle and passionate so I was very recepted and certainly returned the favor. He crawled his way up from being between my legs, up my stomache to my breasts and then to my ear. He told me to hold onto him as he slid his hard cock into me. I did and the further he pushed, the tighter I held him. Once he was in to the hilt he started to slide himself in and out of me. Kissing me each time he bottomed out into me. I got used to the feeling and after a while I told him I wanted to do it different ways. By this time Hotel California was playing and I climbed onto him. We sang the song to each other as I lowered myself onto his cock. I liked this a lot! With his arms wrapped around me as I rocked back and forth, I started to feel tingly. He told me he was feeling me tighten down on him and I needed to stop or he would cum. I stopped only to feel him throb. I leaned back and let him use me to stroke him, slowly and deeply. Again we’re singing the song to each other. He would go then stop sedning me into a frenzy. He played with my clit while I was leaned back and that just set me off. I shuttered and clinched and had my first intercourse orgasm! This got him off so quick that we both couldn’t move for the first few minutes. After a shower and a trip to the store, we had sex several more times that night until near sun rise. The entire night we never changed the tape.

I still remember all the words to that album and will never forget him, the sex or how he treated me. Anytime I hear Hotel California – I think of Jeff.

Nearly a year later, I got busted with him at my window waking me for yet another session. My father forbid us to be together and it was nearly 6 years before we found each other. At that time we were both with other people but decided to give it a good time whirl. We fucked each other at a nearby park in the fog, listening to of course – the Eagles. I still have a copy as I’m sure he does to all these years later. Should our paths cross again, I’m ready.

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