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Hottest fuck ever

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

The hottest guy at my school, named ryan, asked me out because i won homecoming queen. I said sure willingly.
Our first date was at the movies. We saw a horror movie. We sat in the back where no one could see us. We only wathed 5 minutes before he was rubbing my cheek. He asked if i was down and i said sure. We had the best fucking kiss ever. Our saliva mixed and we made out for like 2 hours straight. When we left we made out in the car the whole way home. He said his parents werent home and invited me inside. He said if i wanted a massage and i agreed. Just so you know my tits are huge. he took offf my shirt and i lied on my stomach. he rubbed some oil. My tits were showing and he said, you want a massage on the front? so he massaged my tits. It felt so good so i started moaning, he pulled of my minniskirt. He got in my underwear and eventualy started eating it. I rubbed his dick and made it fcking huge. we had fucking steamy hot sex and now we do it every time we can. I fucking love his big hairy balls.

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