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hotty in the changing rooms

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: school changing rooms
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

Well it was the usual day as most of these stories start. it was just after lunch and we were all heading to PE as normal. I loved PE. not only for doing sport but because there was one boy i was mad about and every week i would watch him. weird i know, but i couldn’t help myself. anyway, we all got changed as normal and headed to the field. Today we were doing football. the game started and was going well then i went to head the ball and got knocked to the floor. I didn’t really know what had happened. I laid there eyes shut for a few moments. then opened my eyes to see him standing over me. His name was Tom. not very tall. but had a nice body and cute face with short brown hair.
“you ok?” he said
Not knowing what to say I said ” what happened?”
He laughed helped me up and brought me close to him, thinking he was going to do something, but he just looked at my head and said “you’d better go get changed and go to the first aid room.”
I just nodded and then he said “I will come with you to make sure you are OK”
finally managing to get some words i said “thanks.”
we started walking to the changing not saying a word and to my surprise he came in with me and sat next to where and was going to get changed.
I slowly got undressed wary that he was looking at me. as I slid my blue shorts down so I was only in my boxers he got up. I stood there stunned. What was he doing? He came to me and stood in front of me.
he said “i saw you watching me”
speechless i just stood there and again amazed he started to get undressed. I just stood there gawping at his unquestionable beauty. Once he was down to his light blue boxers he came to me and took hold of my face and brought me to his. he put the sweetest kiss ever on me. then his hands wondered down my back and slid my boxers down to reveal an erect penis. He grabbed hold of it. it felt amazing. slowly working it I began to whine. “OH MY!!”
after about five minutes I exploded and shot it every where. he then stepped back removed his boxers to reveal a huge erection. and started to masturbate in front of me. I began to work myself again. We both came at the same time. it went everywhere. He came towards me pecked me on the lips and said “that was amazing. we should meet up again.” he then walked off cleared up the mess wen we both got dressed.
before leaving he gave me another amazing kiss and we headed to first aid. was I just imagining it from being hit on the head? well i was answered the next day when he came round mine unasked.

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