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Housesitting and more (Part one)

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: Their basement den
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I was 17 and had been housesitting for this one couple for 2 years. Occasionally, I had spent the night or a weekend when they were out of town, or when they both had to work late. This precluded me from having to drive home late, or for them to drive me home or for my parents to come get me. They lived out in the sticks on 15 acres. I took care of their two dogs and brought in the mail and so forth.

I felt as though I had gotten to know them rather well. The husband was a nice guy in his late twenties. He was also in the military reserve or something so he had to stay in good shape. The wife was attractive, but a real piece of work, personality-wise. She always treated him like dirt, in my opinion. He had always been a complete gentleman to me and to everyone else I saw him interact with.

I was also curious and I had gone through their house over the past couple of years and found some things of interest. I found a stash of “Penthouse” and similar soft-core magazines that I presumed were his. This was an anomoly to me since I could not understand why a husband needed to look at other naked women when he was married to one that looked like she could have been a centerfold. I was just curious about stuff and I felt I gained some insight into who they were.

One weekend they asked me to stay Friday afternoon through Saturday evening. The wife was out of town and the husband had reserve duty. I showed up just before they left, and she was berating him over something. It was a bit embarressing because she did not stop after she let me in. I just went to the basement and waited.

I heard the door slam and some movement upstairs. After a few minutes, Stan called down to me and said he was headed out. (Beth had already left.) I went upstairs and asked if he was alright? He told me he was sorry about me hearing them fight when I came in; I told him it was “OK” but that it sounded a tad one-sided instead of a two person fight.

He seemed embarressed and said it was easier to let her rant than to try to have a discourse with her. I had a good sense of what he meant. I had overheard my mom talk about how narccisstic Beth was and I took the trouble to look it up at the library. I felt sorry for Stan.

Stan wanteed to change the subject and told me that he had to go to his armory and did not plan to come back til Saturday evening. Cool.

About 1000pm that night, I was in the basement, watching TV in front of their fireplace. The phone rang and it was Stan calling to tell me that they had lost power at their building and that everyone had been sent home for the evening and to come back the next morning. He told me that he could either take me home or that he would spend the night with a friend. (He didn’t think it was appropriate to be in the house with me, alone, overnight. Such the gentleman.) I told him to come ahead home and we could figure out what to do; whether my mom could come get me or what. I called my mom and she did not want to come out in the rain, blah-blah-blah.

Stan got home and came downstairs. I told him that my mom was “unavailable” to take me home. (Dad lived three states away.) Stan told me he would be happy to take me home. I said please don’t, I’ll just stay on the sofa down here in the basement, since it was so cozy, and he could stay in his room. There were no neighbors and no one would be the wiser; I wouldn’t say anything and he could tell Beth that he stayed at a friend’s house or at the armory.

He was doubtful at first, but then he decided to just stay home and take his chances. After he decided that, we decided to make some snacks and watch a movie. I went into the basement bath and changed and put on my nightshirt which was just an XL t-shirt, sans bra and panties. I came out and sat on the sofa, he came downstairs with some chips and stuff and although he noticed I had gotten comfortable, he did not object.

We ended up watching some Euro film with subtitles but it also had a romantic scene in it with some frontal nudity. He apologized to me for it and offered to change the channel. I told him I did not mind. I then, rather brazenly, asked if it wasn’t rather a treat for him to see the gal on screen since it did not seem as though Beth was the type. He blurted out, “That’s for sure!”

I then turned to him and asked how often they, you know, did it. He said they were in separate bedrooms and he had not seen her, much less touched her in over a year and a half. Quite the inappropriate conversation to have between a 17 yr old girl and a 29 yr old guy! I said that means that YOU have not been touched in a year and a half, right?

He: “Well, yeah…”
Me: “And you have not seen a girl in a year and a half?”
He: “no”
Me: “Do you want to?”
He: “Rachel…!”

…to be continued…

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience