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How I Met My Husband

Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: Untility Truck
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

It happened while I was jogging, which I do faithfully every day, to keep in shape. On this particular day, about a year ago, I noticed that there were several Consumers Energy electrical utility trucks in the nieghborhood, working on the lines and poles. I recalled that I had received a notice through the mail that they would be working in the area for several weeks, updating the electrical service in the area. As I jogged past this one particular truck, there was this young guy, about my age, standing near the truck, working on some papers and looking up at one of the poles. He was tall and very handsome, with blonde curly hair, and had a nice build. As I passed him, I just smiled and said “Hi,” and he said, “Hi” back to me and I went on my way. The more I thought of it, as I continued on my run, he was a really nice “hunk” of a man, and since I had no steady boyfriend at the time, I thought it might be interesting to getting know him better, and to find out more about him. So I circled around the block, twice more, each time giving him a nice smile, and making sure he noticed me. The next day I did the same thing. He was up, working on one of the poles, and I just smiled and waved and yelled, “Hi, nice day!” Then, on the third day, I stopped by his truck, which he was standing next to, and started engaging him in conversation, asking him what they were doing to the lines, and other small talk. I saw he wasn’t wearing a ring, and so I knew that he probably was “available.” He was very pleasant and polite, and on the fourth day, when I stopped again, I thought I could see, pretty plainly, a noticeable bulge in the front of his pants as we stood there conversing. I just wore a pretty tight, form-fitting sweat suit, which showed off my body pretty well. The next day, his truck wasn’t there, and I thought they had probably finished their work in the area, and I was disappointed since I hadn’t even gotten his name. But, the following day, I noticed his truck on a different street, and so I made it a point to head in that direction, and sure enough, he was sitting in the truck, working on some paper work. I stopped again that day, and he got down out of the truck and sure enough,as we talked, he got a nice size hard-on, which was very obvious. We talked that day about more than small-talk. And I did get his name and learned that he was 25 and had been working for the utility company for about 3 years. He had a college degree, too, but liked the out-of-doors work, and so had taken the job with Consumers until something better came along.The very next day, when I came by, our conversation turned a little more intimate — actually a lot more intimate, including sex. Then, I did something I thought I never in my life would have done. I asked him if he’d like me to “relieve” that shaft of flesh for him sometime — because, once again, it was very obvious. He hesitated for a moment, and then said, “How about right now?” He opened his jeans in front, and lowered his skimpy jockeys, and there was the most magnificent penis I’d ever seen! It was probably 8″ or maybe 9″long with this beautiful head. We were partially shielded from prying eyes by the large opened door of the truck, as I began to work on it with my hands, and then my mouth.It was broad daylight and in a residential neighborhood, but there was no one else around at the time. In 5 minutes or less he was blowing large gobs of sperm into my mouth, and I was swallowing it all — something I’d done only once before, in high school, in a dark movie theater. It was over in ten minutes or less, and then I went on my way. Well, after that day, we started dating, and a week or so later, he was in my bed and we were fucking like rabbits! My God, was he good! It was my first time at actual sex with a guy, and it was absolutely wonderful. A month later, we were living together, and 2 months ago, we were married. I never thought I’d meet my future husband like that, but it’s absolutely true. I’m sure glad that Consumers decided to do that upgrading in our neighborhood!

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