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how they never knew

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: my mom's car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 1
Category: Straight

well he was one of my closest friends for over 4 years. we
had always been attracted to each other. And often had make out sessions. And here comes the begining of the sad part, he told me that his family was moving —–:>to california(cross country)from here. So I was upset and crying like a baby of course! Well Me and my buddy had made a pact so to say, a promise to have sex if one of us ever were to move. So a few days before he was to move we did it. And did we ever. I attempted to sit on his lap. Well we will just say boy is large. And I was good little virgin girl at the time. All innocent or so i would seem anyway. I”m the sweet one of the group but im also silly. Anyone so I wouldn’t get all into. It was interesting but we were really in a hurry. (His parents were picking him up.) Also durning this time my mom and siblings were in the house. Hope you like my story.

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