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Age when it happend: Eighteen
Where it happened: Ladies Bridge Group
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It started out like every other saturday night. I was volunteering at the local church to help set up for the weekly ladies bridge game. I hated volunteering, but since I slacked off in school I needed something that would look good on a college resume so for the next six months this was my Saturday night. While most guys my age were out having fun, partying, drinking, and lets not forget screwing their girlfriends I helped old ladies play bridge, or so I had thought until this fateful night. I combatted my loneliness with some good old fashioned masturbation. Every-night I would sneak off into the bathroom with some KY jelly and a porno. I would spend 30 minutes in there fantasizing and getting out my sexual tensions,. One thing was certain, I needed to get laid.
As 6 O’clock approached the women started to arrive. I helped them find their seats and put away their coats and the like. I sat off to the side as the women began to play their game. That night, the church basement seemed to have an unsurpassing air. It must have been the sweet smell of Doris’ perfume. Doris always had great fashion sense, for a 67 year old she sure did know how to dress to impress. She was funny and always livened up the nights with her jokes and stories. She was as they call an “ice breaker”. As I began to fall asleep from boredom I noticed that Doris was waving for me to come over and play with them. I hesitated at first but then said to Doris in a stammering tone, “Su-ure, why not?” So I began to play with the ladies. I was horrible at the game but that didn’t matter, I wasn’t playing to win. As time passed, I began to realize that this volunteering thing wasn’t so bad after all. The ladies were fun to be around. Doris sure did tell great stories. And Eleanor and Phyllis humored me with their sarcasm and accusations of cheating. I had noticed that Phyllis kept glancing over at me and then back at Doris as though she were trying to tell her something. Doris, to my surprise, started to get a little more risqué with her confessions of how her husband was impotent and how he couldn’t please her. Suddenly she turned to me and asked me with a smug grin on her face, “So how big are you, junior?” I came to awe at her question. What was I to say, what was I to do or react or think??? And then it came to me, honestly answer her. I responded with, “9 inches, ma’am.” Doris immediately responded with, “Wow, thats a mighty large cucumber to be carried around in trousers like that.” This was truly awkward, I didn’t know what to do so I kept playing. Suddenly I heard a voice in my left ear saying, “Take me, Howie, take me.” I was dumbfounded. I had the choice of running or I could lose my virginity right then and there. My choice narrowed down even more when Doris arose from her seat and placed her arms on my shoulders. She then whispered in my ear, “My diaper is full of my warm juice. I want you know. We want you now!!!” They began to chant and strip off my clothes. Oh my god, what do I do. I went with the flow. I felt my shirt and pants being ripped of my body as though these seniors were vicious animals going in for the kill. I felt Phyllis’ wrinkly, cold hand going down my briefs and grabbing my hard cock. She announced my erection to the rest of the group and they were drawn into even more of a craze. I could not believe this was happening, but I liked it. Phyllis stuck my cock in her mouth and began to squeeze it and suck on it so hard that I immediately went all over her. Doris began to take her dress and adult incontinence product off. She stuck her loose, wrinkly pussy in my face and exclaimed, “Lick it, boy!!!” Without hesitation I stuck my tongue into her cavity. She tasted soooo good. I could hear her moaning and groaning. I could feel her nearing orgasm. Suddenly, Eleanor pulled out a gigantic black strappon. She fastened it to herself, lubricated the tip with her saliva and jammed it into my rectum. I felt so violated, but in a good way. I felt her going deeper and deeper. I felt a sharp pain and I bit down. Little did I know that Eleanor’s clit was in my mouth. She was bleeding like a girl who had just done it for the first time. But she seemed to take joy in the pain I gave her since she just drove my head deeper and deeper into her crotch. I loved it, we all loved it. Suddenly, I heard footsteps. “Oh, no!!” I exclaimed, half muffled by Eleanor’s labia. Eleanor too got so surprised that she could not control herself and began to urinate in my mouth. The person approaching us was Doris’ husband, Walter. He exclaimed in shock and disbelief, “What in God’s good name????” He ran up to us and to our surprise began to rip off his clothes. He pulled out a piece of masking tape and a popsicle stick and attached it onto his incapable member. My thoughts were a blur. Walter began to pump me in the ass while exclaiming, “Take that junior, take that!!!!” It felt too good to be true. I still had the taste of salty urine and pussy in my mouth. Walter screamed out in pain. Eleanor looked at me questioningly and I replied, “Oops, I farted.” But as Freddie Mercury once said, the show must go on. So Walter took a seat out of our wild senior orgy and stared at us with jealousy. He questioned himself. “Why cant I be like Howie? A young, strapping, well hung, lad.” he must have asked himself. All the ladies at once began to come. With rhythmic motions they moaned and groaned. It was so loud that evening mass probably heard it all. I too spurted my love juice all over their sagging breasts. They massaged it all over themselves. Suddenly, with that it was over. We all had some church wine and did not speak a word to ourselves. Maybe it was shame or embarrassment, or a combination of the two. Everyone was speechless. And then Doris, the ice breaker, decided to speak. She exclaimed, “I think all this excitement has given me a heart attack!” With that, she grabbed her chest fell to the floor, and passed on. Everyone stood and stared with eyes that were glazed. I looked into her cold and lifeless eyes and thought to myself, “What a way to go.” And with that the winter of Doris’ life was over. She had moved on to the big orgy in the sky. We maintained a calm and then decided that Phyllis, me, and Eleanor would all go back to one of the girls’ place and do it all over again. Walter stayed behind. I learned the next day that he had killed himself right then and there. He was no use to the world. An impotent man isn’t a man at all. He served society no purpose. He was useless. What a memorable first time.

A PZ Joint
By the artist formerly known as PZ

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