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huge mamak!

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: hotel
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

hmmm….where shall i start???…let me see!!
ok…here is how it all begin….
i was enjoying myself in a disco and there was a raid by the police….i was running coz i was an underage chinise virgin at that time and i bumped into this huge guy (the mamak) who was also evacuating the premise coz he was drunk and can’t drive. so i took his keys and drove him to his hotel room, and he told me to take the car since he can’t drive due to overhigh situation and i dont have a lisence so i told him i would just stay in the hotel with him till he is sober enough to drive me home. and he agrees. he was not handsome and dark skinned. but while he was bathing i took a peep into the bath room and saw this huge anaconda he has…and at that very moment my pussy started to get wet.
it was about as big as my hand and long (about 9 inch0 and none of my chinese boyfriends have it(normally chinese 4-5 inch)… so i asked him to make love with me and he agree….and just imagine the moment we started kissing and he squesed my breast….i never let go of his penis.
he just rushed into me like a mad train and lasted for an hour ++ before he sprayed his thick juicy cum all over me….and guess what
we had 9 rounds of sex for that night until 8am in the morning and now….he is still my man when ever my husband (a chinese man of 5 inch) cannot please me. i wanted to marry a mamak but my parents insist their business partner….and believe me….MAMAK IS ALWAYS THE GREATEST

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