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Hurry Up

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: couch
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My boyfriend and I had been only officially been dating for about two months. We met about six months earlier on a school trip to a town a few hours away from where we lived. He was a senior and had just graduated and I had just finished my Sophomore year. It was the fourth of July and we only had a month before he went away to college. We were both virgins and only talked about it a few times before. The night before, the two of us were at my house sitting on the couch in my basement watching a movie. We started kissing. The kissing slowly turned into a little more, and before I knew it we were both naked, just touching each other. I didnt say anything, I just continued to see where it would go. Things started to slow down and we both put our clothes back on. There was a little awkward tension in the room. Neither one of us wanted to say anything about what had just happened, so we sat in silence as the movie concluded. That night after he had gone home, he called me to talk about it. We decided that we were both okay with having sex and that we didn’t want to plan it, we would just let it happen. The next day, we spent time with our families and then headed to a friends house for a few drinks and fireworks. After the fireworks, people started to leave and a few of us went back to his house. Things got boring and soon there were three of us. My friend, Megan, my boyfriend, and me. Megan had fallen asleep on the couch, so we decided to go to his basement for some alone time. We didn’t waste much time, He sat on the couch and I stradled him and we started kissing pretty heavily. I felt his hands move up the back of my shirt and start to rub my back. I could feel the cool basement air on my skin as he took off my shirt. He pulled me closer as he unsnapped my bra. I slid my arms through the straps, staying as close to him as a could. As my bra fell, things started moving even faster. We stopped kissing for a minute when I had troubles unfastening his belt. He raised my chin with his hand and our eyes locked as I continued to work on his belt. I could feel his erection through his jeans. None of this was new to me, but I was feeling an urge I had never felt before. I pulled his pants to his ankles and was now standing as he began to take my skirt off. He stood and started kissing me again. Both of us were completely naked. He grabbed a blanket and I laid down on the couch. As he reached under the couch cushion for his hidden stash of condoms, he looked at me and kissed my forehead. He just said “This is really happening…are you sure this is okay.” I nodded and we began kissing again. A few seconds later I could hear the condom wrapper tearing. I could feel him moving around next to me, and a moment later he laid still. I reached down to feel his penis. The condom was on and he was waiting for my move. I looked at him and asked, “Are you sure you want to do this with me?” I had some self-confidence and trusting issues, so this was a thought that had crossed my mind a few times, but I never asked. He brushed a strand of hair out of my face as he said “Theres no one else I would rather share this with. I love you.” I sighed with relief and he said ” If you don’t want to do this, we dont have to, we can stop right now. I don’t want you to feel any pressure. I will still love you just as much if you say no” Saying no was the last thing on my mind. I wanted this so bad I could taste it. I could feel my body starting to tingle, almost in a numbing sensation. I laid back and pulled him on top of me. As he rolled on top of me, I pulled my knees up toward my chest. He slowly leaned in toward me and I could feel his penis come closer to my vagina, as if there were a magnet drawing it in. As he entered into my vagina, I could hear him starting to breathe heavier. He slowly started to move in and out, in and out. My breath got heavier with each movement he made. The sensation I was feeling was like nothing I had ever felt before. It didn’t hurt half as bad as I expected it to. The tiny bit of pain I felt was erased by the pleasure I felt as his thrusts got faster and faster. After a few moments we shifted positions so I was on top. I lowered myself onto his penis very slowly. It went deeper than before, and there was a little more pain. He reached his arms around me and pulled me in toward him. We rocked back and forth matching our thrusts with the rocking motion we were making. Our breathing was in time with one another and I could feel the tingling of my body get more intense with every movement. All at once my body was starting to shake, my back started to arch and the tingling feeling kept growing stronger and stronger. I could feel my heart beat faster. The tingle began pulsing to match my heart beat. It was the best feeling I had ever felt in my life. It was my first orgasm. The feeling was just starting to subside when I heard Megan come to the top of the stairs and call my name. I looked at my boyfriend and we both silently laughed. I called out “Don’t come down, I’ll be right there” She knew exactly what we were doing. We didn’t stop. We slowly continued thrusting. Megan called out for me again “Hurry up! My mom is going to be so pissed if we aren’t home soon. I told her I would be home 20 minutes ago!” I just shouted okay and we continued. “Hurry up! Let’s go!” Megan yelled. I looked at my boyfriend and said “I need to go”. He hadn’t finished yet, but we stopped and he helped me get dressed, and dressed himself. We walked hand in hand to the top of the stairs, and just before I opened the door, he pulled me back and kissed my cheek and said “That was beyond anything I ever imagined. I love you.” That was 5 years ago. My boyfriend and I are still together and completely in love. We talk about this experience all the time, and despite the awkwardness and Megan yelling through half of it, neither of us would have had it any other way. About a year later, his parents found the stash of condoms under the couch cushion. They got rid of the couch 2 months later. They said they had that couch for too long and the color didn’t match the new carpet. I think we all really know why they got rid of it.

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