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Huuters Girl

Age when it happend: 20
Where it happened: my apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

To finance my college degree, I took on all kinds of odd jobs, none of which I really liked, until a friend of mine sent me a link to a job ad by Huuters.
I’ve never been in one of these and heard that the waitresses are wearing very “light” clothing, so I was a bit hesitant.
When I called, they seemed desperate to find someone though since the guy on the line wanted to see me on the next day already.
I thought I should wear something for the occasion so I put on a shiny tan pantyhose, black heels, and a red dress with a large V in front. I also got my hair and make-up done that same morning.
I could tell from his voice that it was the same guy greeting me who I talked to on the phone the afternoon before. He was very friendly, took my resume, but barely glanced at it. Instead his eyes were carefully scanning my face, boobs, and legs and he stayed there particularly long without talking much so I got a bit embarrassed. He seemed to like me since after only 10 minutes he said I was hired and could start on the coming Friday. Rose would show me my uniform. He called her and she led me in kind of a dressing room with many shelves. They really had everything there, starting from the panties, pantyhose (or rather, they were smooth tights acturally), socks, sneakers, T-shirt with the logo, hot pants, and bras of all sizes and shapes. I told Rose my sizes and she took out the clothes from the shelf. I thought I would take them home but she pointed at a changing room so I went there and threw myself into my new uniform. It all fit real well, only the tights were a bit hard to put on and I had to stretch them quite a bit but I thought they would probably fit better over time and my legs would look nicer that way as well.
As I exited the changing cabin, the recruiter guy stood in front of me and smiled. “You’re a real Huuters Girl now!” he said and again his eyes stared at my legs in the tan Huuters tights. I played with my legs a bit, just to tease him and could see a bulge in his pants.
“You can put your clothes back on and I will show you your locker”, Rose said. Of course, I wouldn’t wear my uniform on the street – what was I thinking!
Friday night came soon and I was ready to serve. I kindof liked my uniform and felt really sexy in it. The customers were appreciative, too, as I soon noticed and had smiles and compliments for me. I didn’t want to be touched by anyone, though, so I set limits and told them a clear No in front of everyone else if they tried anyways.
One party was a birthday celebration of frat boys, they looked like 18 or 19, and it was funny that everyone was chatting a lot, only one guy who also was the shortest, was mostly silent, I guess of the shy kind. But whenever I came to the table he paid me all the attention he had and, like the recruiter, was obviously mostly fascinated with my legs. I decided to please him a bit and made my best efforts to stand closest to him so he could see my shapely legs in the sexy tan tights up close. I could see he was excited since he got a bit red in his face and there was also a little hill in his crotch area which hadn’t been there before. I went even further and as if by accident touched his legs with mine as I was serving or picking up items on the table. I also moved my head in a way that my long hair tickled his face, again, as if by accident. I knew this would drive him crazy as he would assume he could never have me. At some point he was getting up to go to the bathroom and didn’t return for 20 minutes. I was pretty sure he jacked off there…
As the party left I thought I wanted to know this guy more and gave him a note with my phone number, so that no one else noticed.
A week later, my phone rang and it was this guy, I was not surprised. His name was Dan and he wasn’t able to say much why he called or what he wanted, well, a shy guy. Probaly he was as much a virgin as I was then.
I helped him and invited him over for dinner for the next day since this was my day off from work. I would cook something really spicy for him.
He arrived perfectly on time, kindof weird, and had a single red rose in his hand. I took it and thanked him. Then we sat down and I served us some real hot Mexican enchiladas. He was so nervous he wou;dn’t eat almost anything but I tried to have a conversation and slowly got it going. I also served some wine, and finally this had the desired effect and he relaxed more and more and even a bit of humor came out of him.
We moved on the couch, drinking some more, and having some more conversation, and I didn’t fail to notice that he was zooming in on my legs which were bare and my feet were bare as well. “May I touch them?” he cautiously asked. I smiled and took his hand and put it on my knee. He started to move it up and down and it actually felt quite good the way he did it. He reached my feet, took them both in his lap and started a wonderful foot massage, he had a real talent in that.
I wanted more and went to my bedroom to change. After a couple of minutes, I emerged in my Huuters uniform. He was clearly stunned by that, seeing me as he did a couple days ago in the restaurant. I stood in front of him and placed my sneakers on his crotch. He took my legs, caressed them through the tights and it felt so great. Then we undressed each other slowly, piece after piece, until we were all nude, except for my Huuters tights and panties.
I rubbed his whole body with my feet and he seemed to enjoy the sensation of the nylon fabric around my feet touching and caressing his body. I finally gave him a massage of his penis with both feet and he started to moan and asked for more. The tip of his penis was already full of pre-cum and we went on to my bedroom. His hard penis was definitely ready for more and I gave it some more massage with my nude feet, then my hands, and finally took it in my mouth and worked on it hard. He sighed heavily, then massaged my crotch, my clitoris, and lips, again, he seemed to be quite the expert there. My clitoris had gotten quite big and hard and I started to moan and getting real wet between my legs. “I want you inside of me!” I screamed and he took his big penis in his hand and gently inserted it into my vagina. A brief pain was there when he broke my hymen, and some drops of blood, but soon we found our rhythm and fucked each other for hours without end in all positions, him on top, me on top riding him, doggie-style and finally him fucking my ass which was the best of all!
He stayed with me over night and in the morning I told him that he cannot see me again. I violated the Huuters policy by sleeping with a customer and would not be up for this again. All that remains is a pleasant memory of my first time with shy Dan…

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