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I Caught Them!

Age when it happend: 11
Where it happened: Step-Sisters Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

It seems as though quite a few of these stories in this room are about lust that comes from withen the family, that is also how my love life started.

My sex life started when i started masterbaiting to the thought and sights of seeing my step-sister Monica naked. I would often try to get glances of her coming in or going out of the shower, bath, etc. She was 13 years old, and much better looking and more mature than my younger “real” sister Simone. Monica was tall and skinny, I would have to say no more than 100 lbs, with B cup sized breasts. Simone was shorter, also skinny, with no breasts…. easy to see why i followed Monica around huh? Anyways, I felt OK about fantasizing about her because she was not related to me except for by marraige.

One day, while walking by Monicas room, i heard her talking to Simone. I peeked in through the cracked door, and saw that they were comparing each others bodies, naked! I saw it all! Monica was telling Simone not to worry, that her boobs would grow soon, and that she was only 9 and that she had a lot of years to fill out. Simone was very concerned about her lack of pubic hair, and Monica assured her that it would be coming soon. The soon began looking a little deeper so to say, and observeing each others pink folds of love. Monica told Simone that if she promised not to tell, that she would show her something that was naughty…but felt realllly good. Simone told her she wouldnt tell. And Monica proceded to teach my baby sister how to rub her self off. Simone took a while before she understood what to do and where to do it, but Monica was becomeing aroused very easily. Monica eventually got off, but Simone was looking bored, so Monica started to rub Simone off. I couldnt believe my eyes! I was so hard at this point i knew i needed to do something, so i walked in to the room and acted surprised at what I saw. When they noticed me, i just said I was sorry for going in and walked out. Monica ran out of her room, still naked, and told me to come in there with them. She asked me what i saw, and i told her. She asked if i was going to tell, and i said i dont know… this is where the situation got mighty desparate for the two girls, and Simone started to cry. Monica then asked me, flat out, if i knew what a blow job was. I told her not really, and she told me that it would feel much better then when i beat off. I told her to go ahead, and she made me promise to never tell. She unziped my pants and revealed my already hard cock, and took the head so gently into her waiting mouth. With Simone in view, she devoured every inch of my preteen cock and seemed to really know what she was doing. Before i could come i heard Simone pop up with something to the effect of “If you dont let me try, ill tell”, so what were we to do? Monica schooled Simone on the basics and she went to work, not as deep, but she really had suction. I then had to take turns eating the girls out, which wasnt so bad. I prefered the taste of Monicas, but liked the fact that Simones was “beaverless”. I then entered them, Monica first and then my own sweet sister Simone. She was way harder to get into, and not as experienced, but sure felt good.

Monica never did allow me near her again, even if i threated to expose the lust, but Simone and I played around till she got into High School, and started dating my buddies, they got one hot, experienced fuck let me tell you.

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