I had had a crush on him for a whole year and never had the nerve to say any thing. We were mad cool and tight and I thought this was a way to make him like me but I was wrong.
We were at this convention and as soon as I saw him i was back in love since i hadn’t seen him in a while. I’d loved him since the first time I saw him. we were in the lobby talking and catching up and he said he was going to his room and he was alone in there and to pay him a visit so I said I’d come now my friend was like you 2 go on. She knew what was on my mind. When we got to the room we were chillin’ and he didn’t make and move and I knew I’d have to get the party started so I was about to make my move and his roomates came in. I said damn then we were talking and he was talking about his school was the best and we started play fighting and I jumped on top of him and i got so horny on top of him so I said I’m not going to waste this good opportunity so i told him to follow me in the bathroom and we started kissing. he was like if your down I’ll get them out of here now. then we just went at it I was so pist at why I didn’t do this sooner IT DOES NOT HURT LIKE THEY SAY, THEY WILL TELL YOU THIS TO SCARE YOU, ULESS THEY WERE FUCKING HORSES. We had to have a quickie cause we had to go
and people would get suspicious. So all that day and the next we were inseparable and i thought my plan had worked and we fucked again the next day with me starting it again cause we were just cuddling and i was so horny again and i said put it on me. but the next day my plan blew up in my face he didn’t say a word to me and he was with this other girl and the fellas all day so i was pissed and tried to ask him what’s up he was like she’s nothing but i knew the deal and let if go. when i got home he didn’t even call me he called me more when we were just friends so i learned a valuable lesson DON’T HAVE SEX UNESS YOUR IN LOVE AND HE LOVES YOU OR YOU MAY LEARN THE HARD WAY LIKE I DID AND LEFT WITH NOTHING BUT HEARTACHE AND PAIN. And last even though I was hurt maybe my experience will help someone else cause remember PAYBACK’S A MOTHER FUCKER!