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I lied too much. and got Fucked

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: with a boy
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I lied about the boys and how many i screwed. My parents and class mates called me a slut.I was a virgin longer than most of them. I told my parents I had sex with three guys on the same day. I bought rubbers to keep up the false image and kept them in my purse. dressed slutty and most of the boys were scared of me. I really was a loner and lonely. The bad girl image was too easy to get. This one old man I baby sat for he was 60 or so had a grand son who was so cute maybe 12. We all got along good and I read stories to the boy and he would go to bed and the old man came in and always talked about my clothes. I didn’t like the old guy but he always paid me good. Well the hood we lived in was real bad and he warned me to not walk home or I would get raped. I told him I would enjoy a good fucking on the way home if it happened. Well the young boy from his bed room was listening. And the next day he started asking me about sex. I liked the little guy and didn’t want to talk but everyday he asked me to tell him something. That week I had a bunch of close calls. One Girl rubbed my pussy in the school shower. I was felt up on the buss by a senior and he had his hand up my skirt but then his buss stop came and he got off. The photography teacher in the dark room asked me to drop my pants if I wanted an A. I kissed him and he kissed so terribly I was revolted and told him failing is an honest grade. So off babysitting ,the 12 year old boy now had a big book on sex his grandpa gave him. Grandpa said ask you any thing cause you had been around the block. So the young boy read and knew more about sex than any one I knew. We read the book cover to cover and I learned alot. I wont tell any one your secret he said. What secret I asked. That you never had sex he told me. He saw right trough me. You never lie to me cause you like me . He was right and I couldn’t talk. I held my head down. A couple days later grandpa came in drunk. he staggered in and sat on the couch. I was dressed extra slutty that day and he pulled out a hundred dollars. and pulled my skirt to the floor and put the money in my bra. give an old fart a thrill He said. then he pulled me to his lap and started feeling me up . You have really grown up and he put his hand between my legs and patted my pussy, nice fluffy bush you have here. Keeps me warm in the winter I told him. How about you old guy what do have under that beer belly. Oh nothing much. Enough to have kids and grand kids I said , show me the majic wand. NO NO NO . Cant get it up I said ……If I ever could of wanted to take words back that was the time . I sat in his lap and said I’m so sorry. I hugged him and I felt his pain. He put his hand on my breast been a real long time. I looked up and his grand son was looking over the banister at me in my panties and grandpa’s hand on my breast. Grandpa looked up and smiled Just getting her warmed up for you and he patted my ass. Show him the ropes and be gentle he is a virgin but too old to be baby sat. Sure I will. I can still come and clean your house . Sure he said I’ll pay you the same. So I stood up off his lap. He pulled the front of my panties down and looked in and then swatted my ass. I sashayed up the stairs while the young boy watched. He opened his book lets do this position first. I closed the book said lets go slow. I let him undress me and lay me down. He then undressed and practiced foreplay with me. I was just not in to it, still thinking of the old man. I got up and opened the door and walked to the refridge and got a pop and walked by him I’m leaving the door open I told him. The boy entered me too fast and I screamed a little and cried but he went right into high speed sex in three minutes it was over. We were no longer virgins. He was sound asleep in a half hour and I threw his condom in the toilet. almost no blood. So I went to grandpa and hugged him and fell a sleep his arms and woke up the next morning in grandpa’s bed with him petting my hair.
I only made love three times in my life all with that boy.

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