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I liked the attention and the feelings!

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: My Room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

When I was 8 a neighbor boy would take me into his garage and pull my pants down and examin me. He never hurt me and I liked being touched between my legs. As long as I could remember I had been rubbing against swing set legs or bike seats for the pleasure the pressure gave me. This was the same but nicer.

One day his friend was with him and he took my pants off had me lay on the old section of carpet and they were both really feeling around. I felt pressure then some discomfort and realized one of them had put his finger up me. They were both excited and wanted to take turns so I let them until I got sore then they stopped. My pants were off so the other boy pulled my tee shirt off and now I was naked.

They had me sit still while they took their cloths off and were having me pull on and squeze their penises. I had never seen boys naked and they both were stiff but felt soft and warm. The older boy squirted some white stuff on my hand and down my arm. It was warm and slippery. Then the pulled there cloths on and ran out. I was left with a wet hand and sitting naked by myself.

For the next several years I would think of that when I rubbed myself under the covers especially when I had finally learned the facts of life. One night at a sleep over I told my friend Lynn the story and she asked if that was all that I had ever done. She then told me about her having sex. She said it was the best feelings you could have and when a boy was on top you felt so good having his body on you.

The next day I went to the mall and was talking to a boy who was in 7th grade but seemed nice. He was shorter than me and not mean like some Jr. High boys. He was just nice. I asked him to walk me home and when we got to my house had him come in. I got us some sodas and we sat on the floor in the family room talking. I brought up the subject of boys and asked him if he had ever touched a little girl and examined her like playing doctor. He said no. I told him about my experience in detail. He looked like he was in shock but hanging on every word. He asked if it hurt and if I was embarrassed at the time. I told him no and that I really liked it.

Then I just asked him if he would like to see. He couldnt talk but just nodded so I got up and pulled him by the hand to my room. I told him to sit on the foot of the bed and I held my breath and just took all my cloths off really fast and
lay down and spread my legs. Nothing happened so I told him to move up closser and take a better look. He did, but never made a move. I told him to put his finger in. Again no move so I took his hand and put one finger on my slit and told him to push gently. His finges slipped in and I was really feeling wet and excited. I took his other hand and lay it on my breast and told him to pinch lightly and move his finger. He was now getting the idea and it really felt nice. He asked if it was ok and I said it felt really good.

Then I said its my turn take off your cloths. I had told him about the one boy getting a climax and I wanted to see him and see how he felt. He did as asked and I had him lay down and examined and stroked him until he had a climax. I really felt like I was in control and it was the neatist feeling.

Then I told him I wanted him to put his penis where his finger was. I layed on my back and spread my legs and lifted my knees. I had him get between my legs as Lynn had said and put my feet on the back of his calfs and guided him to me. It felt so nice to feel him sliding around my slit and then I told him to push gently in which he did. The look on his face was worth the deed. I pulled him down so I could feel his whole body and then had him move in and out. He did for several minutes then groaned and just went limp on top of me. He started to get right up put I held him close and said no just rest. He did and then when I told him to get up he said that was really nice.

From then on every once in a while I would see a boy that looked nice and I would take them home. I got on the pill so I could feel them bare inside me and can say I have been the first for 50 or 60 12 and 13 year olds.

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