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I Love Him

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: Compition
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I knew him since the sixth grade. He was my best friend since then. I fell in love with him when we started seventh grade, but never got the chance to tell him. In january of 7th grade, he had to move away. I was upset, but we kept in touch. Later in eighth grade, I had to play in a compition in florida. When we got to the hotel, I saw him for the first time in a whole year. When I shoted his name like a little crazy person, he turned around smiling at me. He knew who it was from my voice. I ran toward him and jumped his arms and we sapn around in the hotel hallway for a while. For those next two days we reconnected and talked. I finally got the courage to tell him, and he was in love with me too. The last night while all of my roomates were gone, and me and him were hangin’ out, we went to the next level.

We started talking about sex that night knowing that we both wanted each other, he took off my pants and I took off his shirt. After we were naked, he ate me out like a pro, but he never had sex, like me. He took his manhood, (rather big for our age) and took me. It hurt really bad , but then when the pain went away, I took him on. It was one of the best nights of my life.

We never told anyone but our good freinds, now that our trip was over, we said that we would date other people because we lived so far apart. But, we decided that everytime we would see each other, we would be a couple. Since, I’ve seen him only 3 times. Now that we are going to college, we go to the same one and we are dating for good this time. I wonder what will happen next?

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