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I thought I was Gods gift to chicks

Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: Her house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I went to public school and in the shower after gym it was evident I had a bigger blessing than my class mates. As puberty came I also was the one with heavy facial hair and a good build even though I didn’t lift weights. When I was 14 many people thought I was much older. There was some locker room talk and I was the measurement that everyone talked about. So you all don’t go crazy and think of Photoshop enhanced pictures of 10 inch monster cocks you saw on some web site. For reality I had almost 8 inches but not 8 . Three seperate girls estimated me at 10 and 11 but when the tape was pulled out I was just short of 8. Girls can’t measure and guys just lie as all of those who write on this web site. I remember my Dad and brother were showering under a down spout in a rain storm when I was like twelve cause we were muddy from our dirt bikes. Dad said ____son better warn your future girl friends you have serious cock . My brother said make sure your in the dark under the covers and lock the doors. This was always on my mind and many a night in my bed when I was masturbating my thoughts were different. I figure most boys were thinking of riding pretty girls , while I had thoughts of girls begging me to pull out or running away. So I was wishing I was like everyone else and they were wishing they were me.
So some where when I was 14 I had my eyes on a few pretty young girls and started the flirting game. The lunch table and before and after school I practiced flirting as I became interested in girls. The game I found out is just a game for fun and none of the girls and most of the guys are no where near serious. Then this cute little girl named Ellen caught my eye. I watched her and she kept back and ended up every where I was. So at the lunch table I saw her by her self and I sat down beside her. In the middle of a bite she went like frozen when I sat down. I knew this was serious for her . She did her best but couldn’t swallow her food . She was more amazed that I knew her name and where she lived. She knew everything about me and had watched me all year. Well she kept looking in my eyes and I could tell Ellen was checking me out big time.We started our lunch gig and I had fun with Ellen and we became friends. One day my mom threw me an umbrella and said it’s going to come down hard when I come home. She was right and as I was leaving I saw Ellen looking outside . Want to share my umbrella? So I walked to Ellen’s house and it was a big house . She rang the bell and this man opened the door and I thought it was her her dad but he was the house help.[butler] Thanks she said. The house help invited me in and offered me hot tea and snacks. So I sat at this huge table and Ellen changed and sat beside me as I ate snacks and she kissed my cheek when I went home. That was my first kiss. I walked Ellen home when I could and we started holding hands. This was a commitment holding hands and I felt energy from Ellen as I felt a bonding in this simple manner. I never walked in her house often but I had wondered how big the house was. Ellen came to my house and she met my family and liked my Dad and he showed her the simple three br 1 1/2 bath split level we lived in. Even my bed room and my poster of Jennifer Lopez was hanging there. Ellen was very nice and commented how nice everything was and I never told any one that she was in money so she was treated like everyone else. I met Ellen at K Mart and she was buying some jeans so she would look like everyone else . This made me really respect her. The last day of school I asked Ellen for a kiss on the lips and she said she would but I waited all day and we were walking home before she pushed me between two hedges and said she had dreamed of this day and this was where she dreamed it would happen. We kissed for twenty minutes and she wiped her lipstick off my mouth and put on fresh and she walked me to her house.Yes I was now in love . I had a girl friend and I was in love. Now it was summer and I had to get a job as was our family rule so the ice cream joint and minimum wage for me. Ellen begged her folks to let her work and she got a job with me at the icecream joint with me. For the first time we spent all day working side by side. We would kiss in the walk in freezer and we were so much in love. Ellen was turning 14 and I got an invitation to her party. After work Ellen took me shoping at Diamonds Mens store and spent $600 dollars on a suit and tie and shoes for me and told me I had to wear this to her party. The house help picked me up in a real nice car and you should of seen the fancy cars at the party. Ellen met me at the door and took me up stairs and told me I was to meet her on this landing when they announce her name. I would be announced as her escourt. So she sat me in a chair on this landing and got dressed. Lots of old people came from everywhere and soon the foyer was full of people . Ellen was announced and she was wearing what I would call a peach wedding gown with lace and she flowed down the stairs and took my arm and we all sang happy birthday. Every one looked at me strange and finally shy Ellen announced I was only 14 years old and you could see the relief in their faces. So many people told me I was very mature for my age . It was over and the adults said I had to kiss her before I left but really it was Ellen that kissed me and they cheered and I left. I told my parents when I got home I don’t think they believed me . Ellen met me in the freezer the next day and said everyone loved me and asked about my family. What ever she said made her relatives happy. We never progressed much until there was a electrical problem at work and we walked to the lake and skipped stones and laying in the grass. Ellen got a cell phone call and I fell sound asleep while she talked. I woke up as she was putting her wet hand on my face.You are like the sleeping dead we have to go home. I sat up and things in my jeans were not comfortable and I looked down and my belt was twisted. Ellen looked down put her hand over her face blushed and turned and ran. I chased her and grabbed her and we tumbled to the ground. Oh Gawd she said and hid her face. I pulled you pants down and you got all big and I couldn’t get your pants back up and I was afraid I have ruined everything she blubbered.Ellen please let it go . I held her in my arms and she calmed down and my mind raced and I wondered what she thought but was afraid to ask her. I walked her to my house and she sat on my bed as I was put things away in my room. Jennifer Lopez poster was there looking all sexy at us. Do you dream about her asked Ellen? Yea she is a real foxey woman out of my league.What do you think puts her out of your league? She is famious and look how perfect she is. I knew not to say she was rich as Ellen for sure is sensitive about having money. Ellen looked at her 14 year old body and said I will never be like her. I know and she will never be like you either . You will be one beautifil woman in your twentys What about now she said standing up and looking in my eyes? I feel she could read my mind , like every thought was visible for her on my face. I want to see you in a swim suit right now. No you don’t said my brother as he passed by my room it’s chilly outside.Let’s go to my house said Ellen and she folded laundry with me and put it away with me. We walked to her house and she said you never aske me so I will tell you . My family is very famious but not here. I have money and always will have money. I am the only child of my father and one of four grandchildren who get the family fortune. Because of what my family owns I will have more money when I’m older than I do now. I chose you a long time ago and I am happy you like me. You try hard to be normal don’t you? Public school and regular things. Let me show you the house. Ellen took me to the up stairs and showed me the big rooms and closets as big as my room. She showed me her room it was as big as my house. She had loft in her room and a fire place in the loft. The master bedroom was even bigger. She took me to the basement down these ceramic stairs. And there was an indoor pool and diving board. And the back wall was glass that you could see the two hole putting green. We have two more houses and these are the pictures on the wall. She showed me one house in Austria and one in St Thomas. Are you afraid because of today I am going to leave? I broke your trust Ellen said . I see so you are showing me all this because you feel you were hiding all this and you feel this makes us equal. I want you to know, that is all. Ellen took me to the swimming pool bath house . Here is a swim suit see you in a minute. So I came out and she was jumping in as soon as I walked out the door. I followed and we splashed around . She called the house help and they brought lemonaid. We had fun and I showered and my things were missing and this Terry robe was there so I put it on. Ellen came in and said my stuff will be in her room folded on her bed washed and clean. We took the elevator to the second floor and across the hall to her room. I was like looking around at this house and at all the fancy this and that. Ellen said as I was looking , it’s too much for one day we can stop right here if you want and take you home. I looked in her eyes and she was dead serious. I just wanted to kiss her and I swear she read my mind and fell in my arms and kissed me. Well my just short of 8 inches was impossible to hide from her. What are you thinking you dirty boy and she walked to her bedroom door and locked it. I am a virgin ! I said . I know said Ellen. She opened my robe and ran her fingers on my chest . I was dripping precum . This is my fourteen year old present. Ellen pushed her robe off her shoulders and it feel at her feet . She directed my hands and I touched her body. I am so sorry I’m not a virgin for you. I have a relative who took libertys with me last year. It’s what happens this is a new century I said . No she said my virginity was sold by my Dad for a $20,000 trust fund for me. I had to lay under his nephew who had never screwed a virgin. It wasn’t rape even though he was 22 and I was 13. I agreed and all but he was a pompus idiot and he hurt me and screwed me hard all weekend last summer.You are very sexy I am scared , I don’t want to make a baby in you. Ellen turned around and I saw the birth control patch on her hip. Mom says it’s best because sexual favors happen in my family. She wants me to get my degree before I get pregnant. What kind of sexual favors? I asked Ellen. Well my moms trust fund and the home in Austria were all because she slept with this guys son for four years while he went to college with her in Boston. Well what about me I am just a boy in love? I figure my folks can afford community college. Well I am a girl in love and the door is locked and the bed is right there. My hands were all over her and she said I want your virginity. Ellen knelt on the floor and grabbed my hard cock . She ran her tongue down the side and started sucking on me . I grabbed my shaft to hold my cum I need something. Ellen held her hand under my cock and I let loose and she walked to the sink and washed my cum down the drain. I don’t want to share you with any one I told Ellen. It’s just a hole between my legs , what is the big deal? No it’s more I said it’s sharing life . It isn’t a business deal it’s being one , bonding forever hearts and hope’s . You are doing your best to be an average girl normal but this isn’t about money it’s about trust. I don’t want to be your virgin. I want to be your boyfriend. Tomorrow and for a long time.You are a 14 year old like me , it’s time to feel sex said Ellen. I’m not going to marry you . No I said your screwing it all up . I jumped in the clothes folded on her bed. You are not breaking my heart . It’s about forever . That’s how long I want it forever. See you at work and I walked home. Ellen came to work in a limo. She scooped ice cream and we met In the freezer. You are right my family has it all wrong. I talked to my Daddy and he said you were right. It bothers him to no end that I lost my virginity for money. Daddy wants to see you after work. The limo came and Ellen and I went th her Dads office down town. I respect you more than you know he said. I always thought the boy my daughter would bring home would be after money. You proved me wrong. What ever you need son just ask me. I just want a chance at real love sir. I want the girl of my dreams to love me and me only forever just like the story books. Maybe after high school I might need money for college but I will pay you back. But right now I just want Ellen and me to be good friends. Then go do it and he kissed Ellen and the limo took me home. The next day Ellen called it was our day off and I was picked up by her Mom in and itallian sports car. She left me at the front door and I ran up to Ellens room. We had only kissed for the summer but today she locked the door and knelt in front of me . I give my self to you to do as you wish forever she made a vow to me . I sat on the floor beside her me too forever and forever . We walked to the bed and got down to our birthday suites and we were feeling each other. She was hot and I was hard . My balls were sore as my body was gearing up for what going to happen. She was wet and I was drip after drip as we held each other. She looked at me and said this better fit . I was about to have a heart attack as my head of my cock slid around her wet twat. Here it goes I said as I pushed ahead. She bit her lip and it was tight as I was lowering the ole boy in her. S__t it’s like I never been f__ked before. Let me tell you at this point I would of traded any boy for a 4 inch cock on the spot. I was in part way and so far ,sex for me was painful and tight. My worst fears of painful sex were being realized and Ellen wasn’t even a virgin. This was a huge turnoff and I was shrinking in Ellen and pulling out. She on the other hand was able to pull me close as I got smaller. I now was chest to chest with her and she had me in a tight embrace. She hooked her heels on my ass cheeks and her hips started a rythem. It felt so smooth and nice on my cock I was getting hard in her . Just back out a little Ellen said . Then a little more please, so I was half out and she was better I could tell. We were making love and I was likeing it some but I didn’t like it much. Ellen was getting in the groove and I felt her first relax then I felt her start contractions on my cock. I was getting in a little more and it wasn’t hurting my cock at all. Ellen was doing a ewwwh ewwwh thing and she asked are you in? Mostly I replied puffing along. All of it she said . I was sure she would cry and was holding back . All she demanded ! So I lowered and the top of my cock was feeling some real pressure and our pelvis would touch. S__t your so big ! I backed up and Ellen yelled all or go home. I pushed all I could and it didn’t feel good to me at all. Ellen was holding me in with all her might and it was hurting her I think. Ellen this is hurting me . I can get bigger just keep pushing Ellen said. I don’t like it Ellen please this is my first time and I hate it right now . So I pulled out a little so it stopped hurting me. I want to cum in you can I Ellen. Yea I’m ready she said so I did and it was kind of great feeling. I flopped on the bed and that was my first time. Ellen was bleading and I hurt a little. We showered and it was a week before she talked me in to having more sex. Sex with Ellen got better every time and we had sex at least once a week or when ever we could . We had a fight and we dated other people and sex was good but I only remembered promising my love to Ellen . We have only been with her for the last three years .

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