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I totally just got fucked.

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Her Dad's.
Langauge: English.
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Okay. I dont even know why i’m writing this,but here we go…
I’d been with my girlfriend about six months when it happened. She was my first girlfriend and my first .. y’know. Anyway, we never talked about it, but yet, we both knew where it was going. We’d built up to it over the last few weeks. Kissing led to touching, and touching led to more touching, and more touching led to buttons being undone and various garments discarded. And then, one day, we were at her dads house, with four uninterrupted hours ahead of us. And there was a look in her eye that told me she knew exactly where this was going.
This was a first time with the same sex for both of us, and so i wont pretend it was movie scene romantic, but when i knelt breast to breast with her, and pushed her, just gently onto the bed, and ran a finger the length of her torso, from nape of the neck to between the legs, it was the most natural thing in the world. and the most natural thing in the world to place a finger between two wet lips of flesh, and the most natual thing in the world to place my own lips on those, and feel her rise and buck beneath me. The most natural thing to work her with finger and tongue, and make her moan as she climaxed beneath my touch. I was in control, i was good, i just fucked a girl. But then, after a few moments of cradling her panting form in arms, the tables were turned, and it was i who lay vulnerable and spread-legged. I bit my lip and stared at the bunk above us as she ran a finger round my opening. Her touch was like electricity, and i wasnt sure if i could stand the voltage. I lifted my head, took her hand and began to tell her that she didnt have to, but then she lowered her head and words were lost to me. I could taste her on my lips even as i felt her explore me with a skilled tongue. She came up to join me as i climaxed, kissed my neck as i moaned beneath her thrusting fingers, her pleasuring thumb. I grabbed her soft breasts as i came, tilted my head back, open mouthed, and then buried my face in her neck in that final moment of ectasy. My limbs felt taught mental in that moment, until i melted, panting, beneath her. The look in her eyes and her teasing kiss told me one thing:
I was not in control. I totally just got fucked.

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