Where it happened: Tenting
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight
First time I had sex was with my brother . Looking back these many years after having three children of my own with two marriages with three boy friends between marriages . I was fourteen when I first had sex. I don’t consider it too young for me ,but the boys but one were for sure young. Experience for a boy is a good thing I think as long as its not violent or rape . We were close in age and had the same haircut. Everyone thought we were twins as we looked so much alike. We did a lot of twin things like switching places . We always went to the same restroom and for security in public places we went in the same stall and took turns. We never slept together except when camping . We had a younger sister our parents called a mistake cause they had her when Mom was 57 . Mom said, that Dad had to get a vascetomy at 62 imagine that. So our family was very lax in the modesty arena if you know what I mean. Dad ran around in the buff with his saggy bum and grey hair every morning. While Mom wore only panties and her surgically enhanced breast were perky and perfect for a woman of 60. Often when we got up late we were all in the same bathroom trying to get ready for the day. I grew up seeing erections in the morning from old Dad and my brother. That just isn’t normal is it? One day my sister dirtied her diaper and I asked my brother to clean her up. She’s a girl he said. She is a baby I said . So she toddled to him and he made a big fuss but he got ready and started . Mom and I watched over him in his project. He hated it and Mom gave him diaper duty for a week. He was gentle and always wiped her front to back. One morning on my parents anniversary. My brother came down stairs and our parents were getting it on right at the bottom of the stairs on the living room
floor. He called me and we could see from the Mirror that Mom was not letting Dad get away and they were really at it. I held my brothers mouth and he and I went back to our room after watching a while. He was quiet but I could see the wheels in his head working. Didn’t you know I asked him? Kinda was all he said . Our sister woke up and I changed her and she giggled as I showed my brother her package . Can I see yours like this he said as we fastened her diaper up. I was thinking why not and then I said I’ll show you . He was hard and his pants were showing it. I was wearing a nite shirt Hollie Hobbie or strawberry shortcake. So I sat on the bathroom counter and showed him . Brave don’t you think. The boy scouts were camping and I dressed up like a boy and went to a Jamboree . Lots of fun and no one knew I was a girl even when I went swimming topless. I had a rubber toy in my speedo I had to keep adjusting as it wouldn’t stay put. So many boys it was fun. I think Dad was drinking too much when he came in to the little tent . I almost had sex with my Dad as he jumped my bones and had his hand on my you know what getting ready to put it in me. Dad had a big big one and I was scared to death. You shaved he said . I’m your daughter I don’t have any hair yet. Get off me Dad I said. It was a close call . I couldn’t of gotten prego and he couldn’t of done it so maybe it would of been Ok . He never even remembered the next morning.
On an adventure Camp in Wisconsin our patrol of 5 had 4 days canoeing and camping in the wilderness. I was still pretending to be a boy even though I was growing into a girl. My brother and father thought nothing of keeping my secret and did it well. There was no adult supervision and our patrol leader the oldest boy there he was 15. He brought his own intertainment a sexy magazine. Being a girl this did nothing for me.
So the first night he breaks it out and everyone and my brother act like boys their age do. I could not fool them by acting like them. They called me gay. That night I asked my brother if he would sleep in the buff with me and hold me. I was very excited when he crawled in with me. He felt my small breast and I felt his hard thing rub on my thigh. Tomorrow we will pitch our tent further apart and I barely slept as my younger brother held each other all night. The next night we talked about more wilderness experience and we put our tent far away from the three other boys. We told scary stories and showed the pictures of the pink busty girls once more. The moon was bright and with out flash lights we could see well.i took the fly off the tent and it was even brighter. My brother was so hard after looking at the pictures. I undressed him and played with his balls and he released on my hand right away. I smelled it but was afraid to tast it, so I just wiped it up. My brother was small but had some good dark hair down there. The moon was so bright I could see the circumcision line around his shaft. Why don’t you put it in I coaxed ? So we were fumbling as we tried unsuccessfully to copulate. It’s back here I said as he prodded me in all the wrong places on our second attempt to get it right. In a sort of missionary I felt him plop right in. So thankful he was small I felt him easily go in. My brother was still and we held each other not saying a word or moving very slowly. I’m feeling so guilty he said. I was the only one trying to move. His breathing was like he was holding his breath on and off. It’s feels so funny he said as I slowly humped on him. I keigled like I practiced on my finger. That’s so stimulating he said still holding his breath . He was holding back when he finally loudly could hold it back no more. I could hear steps and another boy came to our tent and unzipped the front door. I knew you were gay he said as he looked at us in the bright moon light. The other boys were behind him and my brother hid his face in shame and his item shrank to a small size as they crawled in our three man tent now holding five. Your disgusting and they pushed him off revealing my feminity and almost knocking the tent down . The suprise was followed by four letter words practiced by all young boys. My brother hid his face as my boy scout friends hands discovered their first feminine feels. He isn’t gay I demanded . A couple fingers enterd me an I grabbed the hand. My brother crawled out taking his shorts with him . How long you been a girl Said some one and we all laughed . A real live pussy and everything . My small breast got a work up and flashlights revealed my brother left his calling card as one boy said eew it’s dripping out. The boys all left but the patrol leader who was only 9 months older than me came in showing off his large member. I was wondering if I could..I told him I didn’t want to. Then he said “rape you”. I figure I could get away with it cause your brother let go and I’m wearing a condom. I was worried for my brother and didn’t want the patrol leader in me , but he knew I wouldn’t tell on him. I submitted and he was awkward and a virgin as well. Go here and put it in. I never thought my hymen might not be all stretched out until he didn’t fit . I held him back as it got tight and the excitement made him blow before he was trying to enter. Then it was over for him and he crawled away. I dressed and set the fly on the tent. The boys came back in the morning and they decided they all wanted to experience sex or they would tell on me. One boy said he would settle for a blow job. So I started sucking them off one at a time. I can’t swallow no way. Then I had sex with them all one by one. They were all small like my brother after all they were so young. Except the 15 year old patrol leader he was real big and even though he was my fourth he got my hymen and it hurt and bled as he stretched me out. I had too much sex as my high adventure camp and we paddled home. Some one talked and I was busted and I never made Eagle scout. Or got pregnant.