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I was in For a Suprise…

Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: My room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

Let’s see,

I’d like to say first that honestly I’ve wanted to have sex since forever (or atleast as far as I knew what it was)- to see what all the hype was about. All of my closest friends had lost their virginity and I was always left out because I could only tell my oral sex stories.

So I was going out with this kid named Brian, and he was modest, atheltic, okay looking, not really the brightest bulb in the box but whatever. So I knew that this was it, that night I wanted to have sex. I kicked my mom out, invited Brian over and well it was awkward…sinc we both knew it would happen.

He wasn’t a virgin…I was. But I didn’t and don’t really see my virginity as ag ift, or somethign to give someone else..I gues i’ve been desensitized. So we started fooling around and then we were both naked and I just got very silent…I told him I’ve never done this before and I don’t know how to initiate it.

So he laughed took the condom and put it on (so awkard because it was making weird sounds and I kept laughing). And we had sex. It was painful at first but then got good. Until he came, and wanted to cuddle…I was too hot and not in the mood but I indulged him for a bit. He then got dresssed and watched Youtube for an hour leaving me to clean up and fix everything…

Oh yea did I mention that afterward (i mean right after) he said whats tat on your shoulder…it was a bloody handprint (his bloody handprint)…it was gross…dont ask me how it got their- I have no idea.

Basically the whole week after he never spoke a word to me…and then dumped me telling me he never liked me (and we were together for almost 4 months).


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