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I’ll Never Forget That Look In His Eyes…

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: My Bedroom
Langauge: English (UK)
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I knew he was the one right from the start, we had started flirting back in our free study periods, and he would be sitting at the desk opposite me. Everything I looked up all I could see where his big blue eyes staring back at me and his loose curly blonde hair flopping in his eyes. A few months later I walked into study period after having a really bad day, nothing seemed to be going right, I looked like crap, felt like shit and had just been asked into the heads office what else could go wrong. And as I walked in dropped my folder, papers, notes and books covered the floor. Surprisingly he immediately came over and helped me pick them up. He then moved all his stuff and came and sat on my table. Butterflies filled my tummy and all I could think about was how much I wanted to leap across the table and kiss his bright red lips. We talked for what seemed like hours… he made me laugh, and made me want to hug him at the same time. He was everything I wanted in a boyfriend. from then on he came and sat at my table for every study period, although we didn’t get much studying done we got to know each other more and more every time we talked and as we talked we found out we were really really similar music taste, TV shows we liked to watch, how we felt about relationships (been hurt too much before by dickheads in the past. and was just waiting for the right person to come along.) he would leave me e-mails on my computer, comments on my MySpace and leave offline messages on msn for me to read when I came next online.
Then one week he asked me what I was doing at the weekend, as it was coming up to valentine’s day, and I replied ‘nothing really, probably sit at home like a sat single person, watching romantic films and wishing I was with someone.’ and he laughed and said ‘well I have no plans and was wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with me?’ and of course I accepted his offer. so that Saturday night my parents had gone out for a meal and I remember sitting in my room putting my makeup on and thinking I was going to be sick as I had such bad butterflies. After changing my outfit about a million times, I heard the doorbell ring, when I answered it he was standing there in his best tuxedo with a single red rose, which was the moment when I feel in love with him, those puppy dog eyes looking right into mine. He simply said ‘you look stunning’ I remember thinking how could he be saying this when I had seen what I looked like in the mirror upstairs. I grabbed my bag and jacket and we walked to the car… he had borrowed his dads Mercedes, to make a change from his usual wreck of a car filled with empty bottles and clothes. When we walked to the car he walked to get into the passenger side, but open the door for me and waited while I got in and closed the door after me. I can remember thinking while I waited for him to get into the car, how I was the luckiest girl alive, there were a million girls at school who lusted after him and I was the one who he was spending Valentine’s Day with!!! As we drove the 20 minutes to his house he had put on our favourite song. (Kiss me – six pence none the richer) we had both said we wished we had someone to share it with. Now we did 🙂
When we got back to his house he had laid the table with candles and rose pestles… this was the cutest thing anyone had ever done for me. He took my jacket, pulled out my chair and served me first. He was everything I could have asked for. Over dinner we chatted about everything and anything it was so nice being this close and intimate with him. He told me everything about him, even really personal things like how his father died and how it was still hard for him to think about it. And in return I found myself opening up to him… telling him everything, my aggressive father and my domestic violent background. When he brought out desserts (strawberry ice cream – my favourite and he knew it) he told me there was something he wanted to ask me. And of course I told him he could ask me anything he came out with ‘I’m been thinking this for a while but would like to ask you if you would be my girlfriend.’ I was shocked I couldn’t believe it was me he was asking. I was the arty, mental hair, I had spots and puppy fat, and I didn’t understand why he was asking me when I knew he could have anyone he wanted. I was gobsmacked. There was a long pause and he filled the gap with ‘you don’t have to say yes I just… really like you’ and I spurted out ‘of course I will be your girlfriend.’ he leaned across the table and kissed me for the first time. I was nervous and happy at the same time. This was everything I could have wanted. HE was everything I could have wanted. Just as I had imagined from the movies. Fireworks everything. Later that evening he drove me home and walked me back to the door and we kissed for another 20 minutes standing at my door.
After a year of dating and being known officially as a couple around college we knew we were both ready to take our relationship to the next level. I loved him more than anything I had ever felt in all my life, I wanted to be with him every second of each day. My bed felt empty without him. so on valentine’s day a year after he had asked me to be his girlfriend we were at mine and we had agreed that we wanted to have a quite night in and watch my favourite classic movie Breakfast at tiffany’s. Sad and slushy I know. That was another thing I loved about him he would sit through girlie films and not even mention once how he wanted to change the channel over to the football. And when the sad bits came up and I cried he would hold me close and kiss my forehead. so when we got to the sad part in ‘breakfast in tiffanies’ and I cried as usual he knew it was coming as I had made him watch this film about a million times before and cried each time. He cuddled me close and kissed my lips. I took his hand and lead him to my bedroom; I told him to lie down on the bed while I lit the candles in my room and turned off the main lights. I snuggled down next to him and stared to kiss his soft lips more passionately than ever before. He started to tickle up the inside of my legs and kiss down my neck. Tingles raced around my body. I started to massage his crouch through his jeans and as he turned me on more I more I undid each part of his clothing. Before we realised it we were down to our underwear. He whispered in my ear. ‘Are you sure your ready for this’ I whispered back ‘ready as ever’. And as I said this he undid my bra and slid down my lacy knickers, simultaneously I pulled off his Calvin Klein boxers and threw them to the floor. He grabbed my hips and pulled himself above me. I was nervous and shaking and he could tell this. He kissed me softly and asked me if I was ok and I said fine just nervous, he told me to relax and close my eyes. He slowly slid himself into my dripping wet pussy I let out a squeak, it hurt I was a virgin and he was a year older both physically and mentally. He looked at me, scared he had hurt me. I said ‘keep going it feels good just hurts a bit.’ he told me to tell his at any time if I wanted him to stop, he told me he loved more than ever, I looked amazing and kissed me.
After we both lay there cuddled up both naked, we both accepted each other and felt completely ourselves in our little bubble. I loved him so much and still do… we have been together ever since 6 years this valentine’s day. We are due to marry this coming Christmas. And I have never loved him more. He really is my Mr. Right.
I am so glad I waited to lose my virginity and didn’t go under with the pressure as all my friends had lost their virginity way before me. I have no regrets and would change nothing. Although we fight I wouldn’t be happy if we didn’t after all you can’t make up if you don’t fall out.
My message would be waiting until you are in stable relationship, and it really is true love.
Thank you for reading my story… 🙂

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