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I’m so stupid..its goood

Age when it happend: not to young
Where it happened: at work
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I kissed a lot of boys and always wanted but was so shy. I never let a boy even french kiss me till I was 12. My brothers and sisters were sexually active and real busy at 14 and I at 15 had only kissed boys and slapped a few when they they held me tight. I never let my self be alone with a boy and never ever kissed in public. I found my brothers porno at 11 and looked at it often reading and wishing I would someday look like them. I dressed in the dark and never looked in the mirror really! pretty say aye! Well one evening I was up stairs and saw my sister and her boyfriend fucking on the bed. I was instantly wet and seriously turned on. They were at it hot and heavy and I was breathing in unison with my brother. His girl leaned up to kiss him and saw me and I still watched . she was on bottom and waved me closer as she groaned. So I got closer and she kept waving me closer so I was soon right beside her. she held out her hand and I grabbed it and she lay back and they kept fucking full speed while I held her hand. My brother gave a last long groan and collapsed on her and she let loose and closed her eyes and I walked out. It was beautiful and I knew what I wanted now a boyfriend. So I started dating for real. My sister told me all about a first fuck and how it would hurt and all. My brother showed me how to put a condom on a banana and keep the tip from pulling over the end of the penis so there is a place for the sperm to go. It also keeps the condom from getting too tight and breaking as he pushes in. We the children had all the porno out as everyone taught me the shy one how to do all the new sex things My parents would never teach. We were home schooled and lived 100 kilometers from the next town in the country. We only went to town once a month if that. My first friend john I think was his name we were watching a sunset and my heart was racing he kissed me and I thought I would blow up. The last thing I remember was him un buttoning my top blouse button. My brother had ice on my head cause I passed out hit my head and he ran away. The next boy a friend of my sisters Kissed me on the porch swing. What a kisser she taught him well! Well I was kissing and my hand some how fell in his lap and when I noticed I went red in the face and ran off the porch my brother who was watching at a distance grabbed me and hugged me while I caught my breath and he comforted me and I stopped shaking and he walked me back to the porch and said its OK. I couldn’t look at the boy for a few minutes. If you just start talking dirty to me it helps you fight being shy the boy said . I did !!!It doesnt help just makes you sound cheep. The third boy I met at a softball game and he walked me around behind the bleachers it was a nite game and it was dark. I am more brave in the dark for sure. We were kissing and he put a hand on my fully covered bra, Blouse, sweater, jacketed breast and I liked it and I liked it was dark. Dad shined a flashlite on me and we never saw him any more. Well to make a long story short I was looking for my favorite farm animal a goat named Virgil. He was lost so I drove my 4 wheel home made cart out on the farm looking for him. I saw him at a long distance running away like dumb farm animals do. so I followed and stopped in a creek area and saw Virgil on the other side took off my shoes and sox and wadded to deep. so I went back and took off my briefs and pulled my skirt up under my armpits and crossed to get my pet goat. I put Virgil on my shoulders and as I was crossing a young man was watching me bare assed crossing the creek well I couldn’t drop my goat or cover up so I went beet red and felt dizzy as he watched me. To my horror he grabbed my briefs as I was mid stream. I came out speechless and he walked to me and said hold the goat and step in as he held my briefs open. I stepped in and he pulled them up smoothed them at my crotch and seat and pulled my skirt to a modest level. I walked to my cart and he took a lenght of twine and helped me Tie the goat down. Thanks I said and I kissed him. You have a beautiful ass he told me and he told me where he lived and wrote his number on my arm in marker and hopped in his truck and left.
Well I called him when I got home and asked him if he liked green beans mashed potatoes and hamburgers. He did so I fed my family and took an extra plate over to him and properly introduced my self. He had two kids one little boy and a girl a year older than me at 19. Dad says you look good with your pants off said his daughter. I didn’t blush and wasn’t red a bit. How do you look with your pants off I asked? She walked one step out the door where her dad could not see and dropped her jeans and slapped her ass and walked away. I laughed hard and so did she and we have been friends since. The young man had lost his wife to cancer five years ago and never dated since according to her kids who felt sorry for him. He likes you says the boy. I like you said the girl. I’m too young to be your Mom I told them and they looked at each other and said Daddy needs you, please kiss him and come over more often. So I kissed him and took my plate and started to walk out the door. He grabbed my wrist and looked in my eyes. Called his daughter and gave her the keys to the truck and asked her to take the boy for a drive no less than three hours. Sure Dad turn off the porch light if you need longer. They left. I walked up to him sitting on a kitchen chair are you nice I asked? He just looked in my eyes. Can you keep me happy I asked? still nothing. You kids love you you must be a real good person. I am tormented by dreams of a girl like you who was a big part of my life and I cant ever escape her. I can promise you I will support you and try to be a good husband. I will never beat you and never go out on you. If you want me you will have to marry me. Tonight only I promised my daughter If she comes over and asks me to go to bed I will. So because the impossible happened your here. Now if you ask me to go to bed I will. I would never but I told my daughter I would .I must keep my promise.
I was so brave, I surprised my self. Take me to bed please take me to bed, I’m a virgin and you have experience. He looked disappointed sorta. look in my bed stand and get what you need he said. I went up stairs and in his bed stand his wife had everything. It was 5 years past it due date but it was still there. Old condoms KY jelly a vaginal contraceptive sponge. And stuff. Her picture was by the bed she was very nice looking I set her picture face down and looked in her drawers and found red panties and matching bra and couldn’t and didn’t want to put them on. He finally came up and walked over to him and kissed him. I’m not her. I am me. and I want you to be In me, Not her. You can let her go some time it might not be today. And I took his shirt off and he was a real stud. Well I was brave and took off his jeans and boxers and he stepped out and I folded them and placed them on his dresser. I held both his hands and stood back and exclaimed how nice he looked with only sox on. He stood there maybe in his memories and looked kind of blank. I saw my first penis and it was beautiful being a virgin I didn’t realize it should be stiff under the circumstances. I walked in close and he held me and I looked up and he had tears in his eyes. Lets do this slow he said. I want my first time to be special. If your good …I hesitated ….real good I will marry you. He snapped to .looked close in my eyes and said promise. Yes promise.. I thought to my self am I crazy. He Pulled me close and really kissed me I felt his penis warm rise between my thighs. Oh my what a kiss and he pulled me back and I saw the biggest smile and looked down and saw my first hard penis. Perhaps to make this work you should take off the briefs you put on me earlier. He walked over to the the bureau and picked up a rather large set of scissors and snip snip my briefs hit the floor with a couple more snips I had no cloths on at all. I was really still brave and here I was with no cloths on at all. I walked to him and his warm penis parted my upper thighs and it felt good so good. We kissed and I was on my toes and he felt good under me. and I got wet and dripped on him and his hands were on my breast and my mouth was on his this is better than I dreamed. I was ready and now was he. He lifted me and spun me around lay me on the bed and stood over me with his wet penis are you ready. I think so I said but I was really ready I could eat him alive. He sat at my feet and asked him to bend my knees.He was close and placed a finger on the top of my head and it slid to my fore head then to my nose my chin between my breast then my belly button and I parted my knees and he stopped on the button of my clit and lightly rubbed me there I was wet as a sponge and it dripped to my ass hole. I never had a virgin or never saw a virgin can you show me. Well I sure can I just looked at my pussy the other day with a mirror after my sister told me how. So I put my hands down there and parted things a bit and did he look close. Oh my Gosh Its perfect and he put his finger on my cherry it is perfect so perfect and he kept his finger on it. Your the only one who ever touched me and I loved it. He leaned in a kissed my pussy and I was crazy on the bed. I opened my legs wide and pulled him close. His wet penis made circles around my cherry I pulled him closer but he kept back. I grabbed a condom then tossed it I want the real thing. What he said both my kids are failed spermacide and blown out condoms.I want the hole thing loaded here now! Your children are beautiful so a couple more shouldn’t change much. So my virgin feels fertile does she. I kissed him pulled him in and he went deeper and then I broke and it really didn’t hurt and the three kids I had the next few years were very beautiful and here I am with a daughter my age and an old faithful man who loves me at my side maybe I’m not so stupid.

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