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in my boyfriends bedrroom in a house on a street in a city in rhode island

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: in my boyfriends bedrroom in a house on a street in a city in rhode island
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

my first time was awful and i never wanted to do it again.
it was the summer of 1981, i was 17 and had managed to remain a virgin though i don’t know how.

i had run away from a home on a street in a city in massachusetts to get away from my parents. i ran to live in a house on a street in a city in rhode island to be with my bff whose drug addict mother was as bad as the parents i just ran from. bff and i spent the summer high on drugs supplied by her mother. we did everything, mesc, tea, ludes, speed, acid, pot, angle dust…etc.

bff and her boyfriend had started “doing it” the summer of 1981. bff said “it” was amazing and that i would need to “do it” myself to understand how it felt.

i got a 22 year old bad boy boyfriend who was kind in his own way. he was exciting, he had a motorcycle and knew cool people and got me into bars. when “it” happened we were in his bedroom in a house on a street in a city in rhode island his parents house, i think they were home. he did ask me if i was sure i wanted to “do it” because he knew i was a virgin i said yes (in my head i was thinking i just wanted it to start so i could feel for myself how amazing “it” was). we started and i didn’t know how to relax and let my body go with it and just let it happen. “it” was quick, it hurt, i bled, i was embarrassed, i scampered to the bathroom to clean “it” up. i just wanted to crawl into a dark crevasse in the corner of the room in a house on a street in rhode island and die.

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