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In the forest

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: Forest
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was a normal day in the southern clay and pine trees.I went up to my treehouse with my friends.We opened a chest and there in the chest were play boys.We looked through them and with every page we got harder.So we make deals if we gave eachother a blowjob.We pulled off our pants all of our penis’s were all fat and long.We played RPS to figure out who would go first.i lost the third round so my friend walked up to me i bobed my head back and forth.2 or 3 minutes later he cummed in my mouth it tasted salty.Then he gave me one but i cummed in about 1:30seconds.We all went around then we asked why didnt we fuck so we did RPS agian for it.I stuck my penis up one of my friends but and then i cummed i knew he could feel it cause he was tighting his butt muscles.When it happened to me it felt weird when he cummed in me i was shaking after that we went our seperate ways after 3 years one of my friends got killed in a robbery another on moved to la the other 2 i dont know what happened to them we were just curious not gay curious so thank you for your time

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