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In ThE kItChEn

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: in the kitchen then his friends bedroom!
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

well, it started when i went 2 my friend tiffany’s house. i called her up and asked if she wanted 2 chill, she said her friend joe was there and for me to go over to her house. when i got there me and tiffany were acting like complete lesbians like we always do. she ran to the door screaming, “i missed u babydoll!” so i said,”i missed u 2 sweetheart!” and i gave her a kiss on the cheek. her mom looked at us and said gay… gay.. gay.. and all we could do was laugh about it because it was only an act! well, Joe seemed really nice, and he was really sweet! me, tiffany, and Joe when up to tiff’s room and stayed there for a lil bit. i was laying on my belly talking to tiffany and joe sat on my ass and pulled my shirt up, he uncliped my bra and started giving me a back massage, it felt very nice, then he started massaging my thighs, and going up my shorts. before i knew it i had 2 go so tiffany walked me home and told me that joe liked me and i liked him too so she went 2 tell him, throughout the week we got 2 know eachother a lil better. by the weekend i went 2 spend the night at tiffany’s house. joe came over w/ our friend john that came 2 visit us 4rm south carolina! tiffany and john were laying on the couch and me and joe were laying on the floor w/ pillows and a blanket over us because it was cold in the house. we started watching a movie and joe was whispering some things in my ear, nothing real sexy but just sweet, he was saying stuff like, brittany your so beautiful, i never wanna let go and things like that! lol! n/e wayz, he was holding onto me and he starting touching me all over my body. he started reaching his hands down my shorts as he nibbled and sucked on my ear. (very sexy) by the time he got his hand in my shorts i was wet! he started fingering me gently and we were making out and he’s kiss on my ear more. eventually he was fingering me hard and i had 2 tell him 2 stop so that i don’t make tiff. suspicious. i got up 2 go get a drink and joe fallowed behind me, i was standing there pouring some pepsi into a couple cups 4 us and he was playing w/ me still in the dark kitchen. he got on his knees and started eatin me out, it felt so great!!!! it was like omg! lol! well he got up and we made out some more, and the taste didn’t seem 2 bother me at all, but he picked me up and layed me down on the kitchen floor. he asked me if i would make love w/ him and i said that i was scared, he asked me what i was scared of and i said i was scared that tiffany might hear or her mom walk out or something and he said 2 just b quiet. so he pulled off my shorts and my sexy thong. and he pulled down his pants and boxers. we made out 4 a while and i slowly entered him in. it felt amazing, he went nice and slow so that we wouldn’t make 2 much noise. when he was done we cleaned up our mess and tiffany knew… i wasn’t surprised because tiffany always knows everything i do and i know everything she does. we’re just that close. but the next day Joe took me over to jeremy’s house. we were sittin on jeremy’s bed and joe asked if he would mind if we fucked in his room. jeremy said he didn’t mind just as long as he didn’t have 2 leave and as long as we didn’t on the bed. so, joe layed me down on jeremy’s floor w/ a pillow under my head (makin sure i was comfy because he treats me like a princess) then he pulled my pants and thong off and set them on jeremy’s bed and he watched the whole time while trying 2 play xbox. well i helped joe out in finding my hole (bein nice) and he stared out slow. jeremy was watching my face the whole time. jeremy got a blanket and put it over us so he didn’t have 2 look at joe’s ass. then jeremy looked at us and said “Git-r-done joe! hit dat spot!” so joe started pumpin in and out of me faster and harder, hittin just about all the right spots and making me moan loudly. once we were done we cleaned up the mess that we made on jeremy’s floor. then i got dressed and so did joe and then joe and jeremy,”did i hit dat spot?!” and jeremy said”hell yeah i was about 2 jump right inbetween yall” we laughed then we went to tiffany’s house and me and joe took a shower 2gether, he washed me and i washed him! well, just incase u didn’t realize. it didn’t hurt and i didn’t bleed but thats because this wasn’t my first time, just my first time in a kitchen or w/ someone watching us! n/e wayz… thank you tiffany i love u baby, sorry about ur kitchen floor! and thanx 4 lettin me use ur room jeremy! haha you know that you and tiffany will get 2gether as soon as she works up the courage 2 dump dj! and i love you joe, we’re gonna b 2gether 4 a long while!

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