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in the old tower

Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: girl's bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was 12 when I had my first time, she was the same age. We were classmates and I always knew she was.. very liberal about her ways, from stories that went around in the classroom, especially from a good friend of mine who had done it with her several times. I decided to give the ol’ sex thing a try to see what it was all about, so I asked my friend to talk to her and see if she was up to it. She was hesitant because we barely talked and she was worried too many ppl would find out, but she finally agreed and all that was left was setting a time and place. At school there was this old playground behind the music room that was totally abandoned. it was closed off by 4 walls and the only way i knew to get in there was by jumping a wall from the volleyball field on the other side. The beautiful thing was that this playgroud had sort of an old water tower, that was thick, round cement all the way up, and it was easy to get in it. The place was set, the cement tower in the old playground at lunch break!! She knew the place pretty well from other experiences. When I jumped the wall she was already there, long black hair, very white skin. She was wearing the school uniform, white shirt and blue shorts. She barely had any breasts, but it was a lot more than most of the other girls had, and her nipples really stood out in a sort of clumbsy way, like her breasts had not gained the right form yet. She looked at me numbly and walked inside the tower, I just followed. She layed back against the wall and I came in to kiss her, but she wouldn’t let me use my tongue. she grabbed into my pants and pulled my dick out. I kept feeling up her tiny breasts and ass. She pushed me back a little and pulled down her shorts and panties, taking one leg out of them. She spread her legs a little and pulled me in, using her hand to guide me into her. It was the best feeling I had ever had, and I quickly started thrusting her. She arely made any noise, just breathed harder and grasped my showlders. It didn’t last very long, maybe 5 minutes, I pulled out when I felt I was going to have and orgasm and let my cum drip on the floor. She put her leg back in the shorts and told me to wait 5 minutes before I left, she’d go ahead, so it wouldn’t look suspicious. After that I continued not talking to her much, exept to plan other visits to the old tower, sometimes even with my other friend coming along. I liked it because he did all the talking, then we’d both fuck her and leave casually. Good times!

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience