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in the park

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: in a park
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

I was 15. I wanted to have sex just to do it. When i was 13 i have “gone out” with this guy ryan. by that i mean he can over n watch tv wit me and when we would leave the house, we would hold hands. but n e ways, he wasnt a really classy guy so i figured he’d be willing to help me out (ming ou i didnt tellhim this. infact i lead him to believe i had had sex many times before). so i called him up and arranged to met with him after school at a park near my house. the plan was to sugest going back t his house but he aid his mom was off work. i was determined to do it so i hinted and he caught on. i was wearing a skirt and so he reached up it and bega to run his fingers over my underwear. he then began to finger me. he then pulled me ontop of him so i was stradling him. he flipped his penis out of his shorts and went to put it in. he asked if it was in and bc i didn know whether it was or not i stupidly said ” well its attached to u isnt it” god the thought of that still embarasses me! so n e ways he got it and and we did it for about 10 minutes until he finished. i noticed some ppl at the other end of the park but no one seemd to notice us. i got off him. we sat there for a bit. he looked at his fingers and saw blood. i made something up about how i have a thin uterus wall (sounded like a real medical conition to me…an apparently to him as well. i didnt want him to know it was my firs ttime and i really dont think he did. I knew i had to be home by 5 for dinner so i simply got up, said i had to go and walked away.
i had sex with him again about a week ater and have never seen or spoken to him since.
to all you girls out there, dont rush. youll find out what its like when your ready. and besides you first time is nothing like what sex ends up being like.

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