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International Naked Bike Ride Day

Current Age: 22
Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Stockholm, Sweden
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I was an exchange student in Stockholm, Sweden back in 20ll, and happened to be there around the middle of June, when they, like many prominent cities around the world, celebrate International Naked Bike Ride Day. It’s sort of a fun holiday to protest the excessive use of automobiles, buses and other such forms of transportation, and to promote bike riding and skate boarding and similar ways of transportation in order to save the environment.

I had heard of it before, and seen photos from cities like London, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, New York and elsewhere. Those participating appear in various styles of undress. Some males and females come completely naked. Others, more modest, might wear a jock strap or a “cocksock” (where the penis and balls are covered with a small piece of colored cloth, with a band around the waist), or even bikini swim suits. Some of the girls come in body paint in strategic areas. Others might wear panties and nothing more.

The police authorities are usually pretty lenient in enforcing laws pertaining to “public indecency” or “indecent exposure.” Others are stricter. It depends on the city, but most are quite tolerant of the day’s activities, some of them even joining in the fun.

Anyway, this family I was staying with, was into both bike riding and the naked part of the day, and had been participating since day one. Both the Mother and the Father as well as the 17 year old son, and the 15 year old daughter stripped off everything that afternoon, and urged me to do likewise. Since I had no qualms whatsoever about public nudity, I, too, took off all my clothes and rode the bike they lent me for the affair. We peddled into the town square where ride started and we biked probably 15 miles or more inside the city and outside and then back again. Crowds lined the streets as spectators applauded and whistled and encouraged us with good cheer.

I didn’t have an erection when we started out, but I certainly had one by the time we arrived back in town at the starting point. All of that beautiful human flesh had a profound effect on me. There was especially one girl, who rode ahead of me, who I judged to be between 18 and 21, who was absolutely gorgeous. Perfect body — both front and rear.

When we finished the ride, we gathered back in the city park and just sat around and stood around and talked. I ambled over to this one particular girl that had been ahead of me for most of the ride, and struck up a conversation. At one point she asked me if I liked sex. What could I say but, Yes, of course. She then explained that several of those participating often had sex there in the park after it was all over. It was, after all, a nice warm June day, and it was relaxing after the long, exhausting ride. Then she asked me if I’d like to fuck. I was a little taken aback by that, so I simply answered that I hadn’t brought any condoms. She advised me that she, like most girls, were on birth control, and no protection was needed. She assured me she she had no STDs and it was perfectly safe.

So, we fucked there, naked, on the park grass, with others eventually joining in and others applauding and cheering our efforts.

It was probably the most meaningful and fulfilling sex I’ve ever had.

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