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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Abroad
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I didnt have the internet in my home, i actually didnt know what it was, until i was 15, i suppose everyone esle at my highschool used to go on MSN, AIM and other messenger chats to talk to eachother, flirt, get nosy into eachothers business. They’d have profile pages of themselves with flaunting photos and just a sheer insight in their personalities. thats where i was different, i didnt like any of that, didnt care about meeting guys and having boyfriends.. it really did not matter to me at all, besides i was only 15???
so i here i was, i finally got the net working, had my own computer in my room, so i browsed through alot of things, normal things here and there, i started looking at game sites to try, i came across a game called maplestory, yeah its abit crap now to think of it but heck it was fun. i started playing the mmorpg for hours at a time, id meet NEW people on there not knowing who they really are with all those photos behind them and personal details one would have on a profile site. Anyway after a couple of months i found myself having actually alot of different friends from all around the world. it was cool knowing that people liked me from my personality rather than looks. so funnily enough after couple years i met someone who i got a likeing to, he was very caring and he lived right near me!! actually only a few miles, was wierd because we knew eachother for over 6 months and we didnt know we lived in the same country let alone town!! so we met up and became friends off the net. it was different because i never MADE new friends in REAL life only had the friends i already knew from school and friends i had Online. I wanted to keep it apart from one another, didnt want reality and online to mix.. because being online made me feel different, made me feel like i could be who i wanted to be. you know? anyway after a couple months i got introduced to his friend, my current boyfriend of 2 years. i spoke to him everyday, you name it. for hours on end. i actually couldnt bare it if i didnt hear from him, we miced but he never got to see me. i really liked him so i didnt want to spoil what we had if he didnt like what he saw. Our friendship turned into love. Yeah people talk and say how could you love someone you have never met, but the thing is, you love someone because they are what you want. and this person was the most beautifulest, caring, inspiring, down to eart guy i Actually ever met. all i know was, i wanted to be in his life. So it was time i showed him who i was, and i did with a single photo. he said i was cute, but really would a girl really want to be called cute???? i dont. so after couple months i was eager to open up to him, we started talking more and more, phoning, going on webcam, writing letters, sending gifts. Oh how i wanted to be like a normal couple, going out to the movies, holding hands.. just the little things people take for granted. The thing i havent mentioned was, He didnt live near me at all… not in the same town.. in the same country.. but in a different continent. in the USA. (im from england). i needed to see him, so i booked a flight to see him, as soon as i arrived i KNEW LIKE HELL he was the one. HE WAS GORGEOUS. by spending a year getting to know eachother seeing him for a split second was worth the wait. Looking back i cant beleive i could find someone online, where other girls would go looking for a guy i just waited for my mr perfect and hes right here. So he drove us back, i was so god dam tired from the flight (10 hours) But as soon as we got back to his place we were like rabbits, makes me giggle cause i class myself as a really good girl, i mean i dont beleive in sex after marriage and what not BUT, at least get to know eachother alittle right? before it happens… but hell ive known this dude for a year now.. i cant be classed as a slut if i only “met” him for a couple of hours and we was already banging our head away. But he was my first, and wow how it felt so right. he is younger than me and we both are inexperienced But somehow it was just perfect. It hurt like hell though haha, he is quite huge >< we did it on the floor, in bed, up against the wall… i literally couldnt get enough and the funny thing is his parents room was just right by ours. There after my 3 week stay we enjoyed every moment being together. till this day we are still together its been 3 years, it can work, long distance relationships. we enjoy eachothers company and is confident with all croks and crannies. i just want to tell people that, if you wait, love will come to you, no matter what age, do not rush into something that wont rush back to you.

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