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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: his apartment
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was after a hurricane,there was no electricity on certain places so there was a city curfew.I told my parents I was staying at my bestfriends house. It was the day before Halloween. I didnt know exactly that night would be the night, it wasn’t planned out but I knew it was coming.I was nervous. He knew this.We sipped on orange flavored smirnoff.Kind of stupid now that I think about it but I guess thats all that was in the fridge.We tipped toed around it for long minutes.He aimlessly talked about his massive collection of comic books. I remember paying attention in case there was questions after.I cant remember the first kiss but I remember kissing and the lights going off.He was kissing on top of me and asked if I wanted to keep going.At that moment, I wanted to keep going.I didnt love this boy, I eventually did in our future torrid relationship but I didnt then.I made him get up and get a condom and in that one moment of reflection as he got up, I was going a little crazy.He came back, with energy, and went inside of me.He was almost coaching me through it.Telling me to kiss him, telling me to hold him close but I was crying.It hurt.I guess also the fact that I realized then more then ever that I did not love him and I waited all this time to do it with someone I loved and..He was kind though. Wiped my tears and stopped.I kept staring at his bright orange walls that were still so bright in the dark room.There was silence.He told me “well, it gets better.” I cried harder.He was right though, it did get better.

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