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irish 69

Age when it happend: 26
Where it happened: Clevelnad Ohio hotel
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I t was not a very pleasant experince since I was 26 and had never masturbated or had an erection that I could recall. It was suppose to be a honeymoon ,yet, I had not an idea what and how things were suppose to happen. Previously I had seen my sister tits a few times and felt I wanted to see more . And when I was maybe 8; she ask to see my penis and if I did I could look at here pussy and tits. I recall she looked and touched my cock ,yet, she did not follow through and I did not get to see or feel anything.I WAS FASCINATED Y THE FEMALE TIT AND ALWAYS WONDERED ABOUT IT. sEEMED LIKE GIRLS KNEW MORE AND HOW TOUSE THEM TO ACHIEVE WHAT EVER THEY NEEDED OR WANTED. so I WAS SUSPICIOUS AND STAYED AWAY. UNTIL BEING MARREIED AS A VIRGIN and then my cock toucheda cunt fo rthe first time —–yet nothing special and I did not cum either.,until many times laterand then only upon my command.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience