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Is That It?

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: friend's apartment
Langauge: english?
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

So I was raised in a super-conservative (and when I say conservative, I mean: my parents love Rush Limbaugh and believe in the truest components of capitalism – if you’re poor, shut up and do something about it, and if you can’t afford health insurance, don’t get sick! THAT kind of conservatism.) and deeply religious household. I was indoctrinated into the Christian faith at a young age, and me, being so impressionable, duly accepted all the nonsense and meekly went about my business of growing up and being a good daughter. Until my best friend came along, and then I went a little wild. I was determined to “save myself for marriage” and so instead of having sex, I quickly discovered that going down on guys was a lot easier than dealing with the whole “sexual intercourse” thing. We also went to college parties and got drunk a lot. I graduated from high school with my virginity intact, but as I began questioning my faith, I decided there was really no need to wait until marriage, because frankly, I was sick of waiting. I wanted to see what the fuss was about. So I went to Planned Parenthood, had an exam, and went on the Pill. I have never told my mother this, because then my true inner whore (as all girls have an inner whore and only Jesus can save them from being a whore) will really be evident. I didn’t even have a boyfriend, basically, I just wanted to get laid and get it over with. I started flirting with one of my co-workers at the restaurant I worked at. He was about 10 years older than me and had just gotten out of the army. We started dating, very casual, and by the time I had been on the Pill for a full month and a half, I was ready. Brent tried to make it romantic, he lit candles, and tried this whole seduction routine, which was nice. So finally the big moment! He put on a condom, and he very gently pushed himself into me. I didn’t bleed, and it wasn’t painful at all. It didn’t take him very long to come. He was very slow and gentle the whole time. Of course, after having grown up in a culture where all sex acts portrayed in the movies and TV end in earth-shattering multiple orgasms, after my first time was over, I kind of sat up and thought to myself, “Is that it? What the hell? Where’s the fireworks?” I went home very disappointed, but hey, at least it was over. Brent and I dated for another few weeks, but frankly, I had used him and had no real need for him anymore. My second lover actually brought the fireworks I had so anticipated. I’m married now (my husband was No. 30) and we have great sex – maybe it’s better if you’re in love or something the first time around. I’m a bit more cynical now than when I was so much younger – and it turns out that I’m not going to hell for having pre-marital intercourse as I was so rigorously reminded every day when I was growing up. I’ve become a Wiccan with a husband who loves me for me, and whose penis is the most beautiful penis I’ve ever seen. I worship it constantly!

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