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It didn’t hurt at all

Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: The barn
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was so scared after reading all of those 7 8 and 9 inch cock stories. I looked my self over with the mirror and wondered what kind of cock would be the first. Mostly though I dream about falling in love. Being pushed on a swing by my handsome lover on a pretty summer day. So the day I lost it was last Saturday . I was dirty from loading a few shaggy horses we found in to a trailer. They were kicking making lots of noise on the way back to the barn at the farm house. Then I got a flat and I had to park the old truck. The spare was flat and I was ten miles from home. Town was only 4 miles and I knew some one would help me so I decided to bridle one old mare and ride her bareback to town. She wasn’t very well broke and it was a wild kind of ride. I must looked bad because the tire guys looked surprised to see me. By the time I rode back to the truck and trailer they were just tightening the last nuts on the tire. I tried to put the mare back in the trailer but she refused and about tore the arm off of the old man and my self. The young man asked if he could ride her and the old man took the service truck home. I drove the rig back to the barn unloaded and waited for the young man to arrive with the tired old mare. He and I were a sight . His hands were black from working with tires all day and I was dirty as I had ever been. He turned on the hose and washed his hands and face and slicked his wet hair back. He cleaned up good . There was handsome man under that dirt. How old are you was my next question. I’m 17 he said with a grin. That was a real fun ride , can you take me back to town? Sure I said I need to buy groceries any way and I asked him in. We took off our shoes and he sat in the old wood rocker and I gave him a glass of Ice tea. If you don’t mind could I clean up before I go to town. The barn had a shower as well as a refrigerator in the bunk area where the migrant workers would stay in season. I always kept a change of clothing there handy. I striped down to undergarments and got in the shower and tossed them out. The water was Ice cold and the three minute shower froze me good. As I hooped and yahooed he laughed sayin I was having all the fun. Come in and join me if you think this is fun. He turned on the valve to the water heater and the shower became bearable . Then he stepped in to the shower. I covered what I could but there he was all eyeballs. I didn’t think you would come In I said. He put shampoo in my hair and started scrubbing. He was all over me and I was all over him. The shower was to small and we shut it off and stumbled out and he rubbed me down with the towel and I saw my first male penis on a man . I was so happy it was small and not like some of the horses. I was on the bunk wide open and getting ready for the pain. He had me so ready with his tongue in me. He told me this was going to hurt cause he could tell I was a virgin. I was real tight and I did some bleeding ,but it was great and I only felt pleasure. I didn’t know what to expect. I thought he came in me a few times but I was wrong. He announced he was about to come and I should of asked him to stop. Then I felt it and knew by his increase in size and the warmness. I wished I orgasmed . I decided I would enjoy doing it some more with some one else. My period is due, cross your fingers.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience