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It finally happend!!!

Age when it happend: 21
Where it happened: on the couch
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

1st off, let me say I know there are going to be spelling errors all throgh here. With that said, heres the story of my first time. It was with a girl that I worked with. She was 22-23 at the time. We had worked together for about a year-year and a 1/2. She was married, and had a kid, but she was not happy in her marriage. I would listen to her complain about her husband, and just be a friend for her. One day, as I was finshing mowing grass, I looked to the top of my driveway and there she stood with her little boy (he was only a few months old). I invited her in and told her she could watch some tv as i took a quick shower. After I got out of the shower, I went to the TV room. She had put her son down for a nap, and was complaning of her shoulders being sore. I offered to rub them for her (being the gentleman that I am) and she sat between my legs on the floor as I sat on the couch and started rubbing her shoulders. I was running my hands all the way down her arms and she said “If cant take you teasing me, two can play at that game”. After she said that she started running her nails up and down my arm. I can remember thinking to myself “this is wrong, shes just a friend, your looking to much into it” and the next thing I know, Im kissing her neck. She offered no resistance and actually turned her head up so I could kiss her lips. We made out and got into some heavy petting that day (which was sunday). Just as she was about to give me head, her son woke up and started crying. 4 days later, on Thursday, we went to my parents lake house. We promised each other that we wouldn’t have sex, but we both knew what was going to happen. We were watching the movie no way out and got to the limo scene where kevin costner and the female lead (her name excapes me) were haveing sex as the driver watched. we started kissing and I took her top off. i then slid her shorts off. I leaned her back against the couch and lowered my head to her vagina. I took her in my mouth and it was without a doubt the best taste I ever had on my tounge. I was teasing her clit with my tounge and fingering her at the same time. Her legs were on my shoulders, and she had her hands going through my hair. Then all at once, she rainsed her pussy right up to my face and with one hand was pulling my hair, with the other hand, forcing my face down onto her pussy. I knew that she had cum, and I have to admit, I was proud of myself. I sat on the counch beside her and kissed her. She said “i can taste my pussy on your lips” and then actually started to lick my face clean. Then it was my turn. She leaned me back on the counch, and stratled me. I remember looking up at her as she slid my cock all the way in her at one time. It didnt feel as good as I had built it up in my mind, but dont get me wrong, I loved it!!!! She was riding my cock and I had my hands on her hips. She would rotate her hips in little circles as she pinched her nipples. She then leaned over me and said she needed to catch her breath. She was mubling “oh it feels so good” and the next thing I know, she crying. She started to feel guilty about what we were doing, so we decided to just go to bed. I did manage to eat her out 2 more times that night, and talk her into a blow job though (she gave TERRIFIC head). We dated for about 3 months and what I thought was love, was just lust. We had sex everyday for those 3 months and Sunday’s was what I called our sex day. She would come over and we would screw for hours and hours. I should have known, no I did know that this wasnt right. I was screwing a married woman who was a mother. I knew that it was going to end bad and I would loose a friend from it, but I couldnt stop. The sex was too good. Finially it happend, one day she was supposed to come over and never showed up. She was out with someone else. We ended up having a huge fight, and it got to the point where we couldnt stand to be around one another. It got so bad, that I had to leave my job (of 4 years). There for a while, I was very hurt that she had done that to me. Then I relized what she was doing with me. I should have expected it. I still see her from time to time, and sad as it is to say, Im still quite bitter about the whole thing. One good note though, Im now seeing a great girl (for almost 2 years) and plan on asking her to marry me soon. And i see the girl I lost my virginity to from time to time. She sees how good Im doing (in a commited relationship, great job, and going to school full time too) and it burns her up. I will never forget her, she let me do things to her (sexualy speaking) that I had only dreamnt about, but I will also never forgive her. I guess through it all though, if I had just listend to my inner voice all heartache could have been avoided.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience