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It got big

Age when it happend: 8
Where it happened: back yard
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

At about the age of 7 or 8, I guess I started to get some body-awareness. I wanted to achieve slightly better muscles; more strength, and to have a chest that looked a bit like those depicted in the superhero comics.

I’ve always been fairly independent, and worked out myself what physical motion caused the pectorals to tense. It was a pushing down action, as in supporting the weight on parallel bars. I didn’t know anything at all about bodybuilding or phys-ed at the time.

I spent a day or so wondering what exercise to do to build the pecs up a bit, and woke one morning with the theory: supporting my weight solely by my hands on some furniture at the appropriate height would do it. We had some garden furniture in the back yard, and as soon as I was awake I wandered out there to put theory into practice. It was early, the yard was secluded, for some reason I didn’t really want anyone witnessing my efforts.

I took my pyjama top off, so as to be able to see if my pecs were actually working, and proceeded to lift myself up between two suitably arranged garden tables. The pecs definitely tensed. I could feel and see it. It worked.

After about half a minute of holding my weight, I got an erection. Not just a normal stiffie; this was a much more swollen and rigid thing altogether. It felt quite strained, and I felt I had to urinate. So I let myself down, got it out, and pointed it toward a bush to let fly, but nothing happened. No urine came. I was curious about the feeling, but went back to the exercise, leaving my penis out in case I actually started peeing while doing it. Didn’t want to wet my PJ’s.

It went very hard again almost immediately. I remember being surprised and a little alarmed at how big it was getting, and a little worried that I might burst it, the feeling of wanting to urinate became more urgent, almost painful yet something made me keep at the exercise, pushing through it. I didn’t think I’d build my pecs if I stopped holding my weight up so soon. (It had been about a minute.)

As I was on the verge of having to let myself back down, muscles aching, I started to orgasm. The sensation was intense, and my penis spasmed violently. I both loved it, and was scared by it, probably in equal measure. I was exhausted and had to let myself down. The spasms kept going for a time (worryingly), and there was a tiny bit of clear fluid oozing out the slit. I thought it was urine, but on checking, found it was pre-cum. (I learned what pre-cum actually was much later.)

I really thought I’d damaged something, and decided never to do it again. Did it that afternoon, and then sometimes several times a day after that, for years, never knowing what it was. Kept quiet about it, too. Kind of embarrassed. Thought it was majorly weird. The only person I ever told was my older best friend, when I was about ten. He was intrigued and immediately located a suitable private spot, and tried it out, only when he did it he shot semen out. Just one big squirt, then a few clear drips, but wow! It wasn’t for another 2 years that happened to me. I still didn’t really understand it. It was my sole means of coming for a year or more. Then we had a school camp for a week, and I had no privacy to do it. (Shared open bathroom. Primitive.) That’s when the wet dreams started.

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