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It was real good!

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: my house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 3
Category: Straight

My first time was about two months ago now.
I was having a relationship with my boyfriend for 4 months yet, and I felt i was ready to go farther than just oral sex. He had asked it several times before, but i didn’t want to pleasure him, because I’m of the strong belief that you shouldn’t go to bed with somebody unless you fell comfortable about it. So finally, after almost 4 months it happened.

I knew it was going to happen soon, so i had gone to the GP to get the contraceptive pill. But the week afterwards (when I wasn’t on the pill yet, I found out that I’d be home alone for two days. So then you just take the opportunity to do what you feel like doing.
I was not prepared for it, but I had given discrete signs that it would be safe then, and that eventually i wanted to make love with him.

So that thursday he came to my house and first we watched television for a short time. Then we started kissing. I said him to go to the bedroom, if we wanted to continue, because I didn’t feel at ease in the living room.

In the sleeping room it all happened: we first kissed a long time, I got fingered because we both knew it wouldn’t be easy to penetrate a virgin. But after all it turned out to happen without big pains.
I also satisfied him with touching his dick and pulling on the foreskin which made him almost come. He then said that I had to stop, that otherwise he would come and that he maybe wouldn’t be able to come in me once again.

So I stopped. He took a condom and put it nervously on his penis. Then we tried to find a suitable position (he on top of me seemed the to be easiest way). Of course I was afraid and then i suddenly didn’t want him to go on. But he managed to calm down my nerves. And I penetrated me.

He immediately came after entering my body and he pushed real hard. I didn’t last a long time maybe a few minutes. I didn’t feel pain either, which I don’t understand, but I think he wasn’t that deep in me. It was great, and I said that to him, but he wasn’t happy about it because he had to come to quickly and had the thought that my orgasm hadn’t been intens enough.

That evening, after he had gone home for a while (to keep his parents unconscious) he came to my house again. I first made alovely meal, which he really appreciated. Then we walked kissing to the sleeping room, as we had done in the afternoon.
Then we had the best sex we’ve ever had up until now. I pleasured him not too long so that he wasn’t to hot, and that he would still have enough pleasure (and so that i would be able to come at the same time as he)
I went on top of him, and he penetrated me deeply and we came and it was marvellous.

It happened a second time, and again we came together.

It was marvellous and I want it be like that again and again.

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