Well, where should i start?? It was a time i’d thought about for ages, and when i started going out with H i knew he’s probably end up being my first. To begin with we were just laying on the bed kissing, but it didn’t take long for hands to start wandering, i hadn’t planned for it to happen that night at all, we hadn’t even been together that long. We slowly started to undressing each other, i remember being impressed that he’d managed to undo my bra with out me even realising. He started touching me, his hands makeing there way up between my legs, where i wanted him the most, i felt good and i didnt want him to stop. The whole time we were kissing each other, the kisses increasing with passion and need. When it came to the always awkward condom moment, i was surprised that he did ask if i wanted to put it on, it was only at this time that we actually told each other that it was our first times. This didnt’ put us off though, if anything it made it easier. When he first tried to enter me i have to admit it didnt’ quite go right, but with some guidence he was soon inside me, not very deep to begin with mind, he was really sweet and asked if i was ok, although it did hurt a bit i wanted him deep inside me and when he was it felt great. I can still hear the sound of him breathing and moaning, from us both. When he came we lay there kissing foe ages, neither of us talking in more than a whisper.
I don’t regret him being my first, but unfortunitly we didnt’ stay together for long, i still do see him around though and we do talk. It’s a night that i don’t think either of us will forget, and when ever i look at him i know that there will always be something there because of it.