Where it happened: my room
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
I started off having to be trapped inside my house all day by myself waiting for my new bed 2 arrive, so my really good mate joe said he would come and help me wait for my bed. Once he got here we went up to my room and sat on my old bed and started to chat about things e.g. how far we had ogne in the past. I found out that he was a virgin and so was I. The conversation began to get intimate like talkin about what we would like to ourselves on our first time having sex. I could tell he was totally in to me, and to be honest i was totally in to him too. Before we new it we were making out on my bed. First of all he started to kiss my neck, and then he went down to my tits and pulled of my top leaving me in my bra so i started to pull off his t-shirt revealing his amazing pecs! He kept moving down kissing me, untill he started to un-button my jeans, and then i took off his jeans and boxers showing his HUGE hard cock, so then i took off my thong and bra and lay on the bed whilst he started to push his fingers in and out of me, making me really wet, and then me stuck his tounge in and out untill i had an orgasm, it was the most amazing experience. I felt i had to return the favour so i directed his cock up towards my tits and he started to rub up and down between them whilst i was giving him a head at the same time. After he came he asked me if i was sure i wanted to do this and i said yes, so he grabbed his wallet and pulled out a condom, i took it off him and put it in my mouth and rolled it down on to him with my lips. I then layed back on the bed and he said to me “lets give this bed a goodbye present”,i was a bit nervous because his hard cock was so big but he put the tip of his cock in to me and then pushed hard. I flinched because it gave me a short sharp pain, and he saw me flinch so he went slowly. It was over in a couple of minutes and i just laid there next to him for a while, cuddling. After about fifteen minutes we did it again 3 time and by then it was more enjoyable, he lasted longer and i actually orgasmed! Since then we have had a bit of an on/off relationship, but i dont regret doing ot with him at all.