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Age when it happend: 25
Where it happened: in heaven
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

This was not my real first but my first with a married woman and very intresting story and one of the most beautifull memories in my life. Before I start I have to say where I come from so you understand the interest in the story.there is 3 points. 1)Iam in a religion that boys don’t touch girls useually if they are not married.2)we don’t have sex only with our spous. 3) marriage dosent go the regular way that a boy meets a girl but someone comes and tell my father and mother that they know about a girl and they think that it is a good match, And there is people that specialize in these things to arrange dates. I was divorced from my first wife and I was very sad because I loved sex and couldent get it the regular way, a couple years in the devorce I heard from this woman that she is arranging dates so I called her up and we talked for a while, I explained her as much as possible who I am and what I am looking for, while talking I felt a great amount that she is a woman with a lot of place in her heart for warmth and love towards other people, so I felt that she is the right person that I can trust with all my anxieties (I did not have in my weirdest dream to have a relationship with her 1)she was old as my mother 2)she was married 3)she was not my taste) and so we spoke on the phone only, many times untill we decided to meet so she should be able to tell the girl that she saw me. One afternoon we met in her house (no one was thinking any thing because they knew that she is doing that all the time) so we started to talk again like useuall. In the middle of talking I told her that I wanted to buy her a little gift of appreciation to the motherly love she gave me for hours on the phone, so we started to discuss what I can give her she said she has everything so I asked her maby I can buy you a piece of jewlery she said she has some so I asked her to show me hers so I can dicide what to buy her. So she brought me her necklas and when I gave it back to her she pulled a drop my hand and carressed it, and we continued talking. by the end when I wanted to go I told her that I want to ask her a delicate question and I went on asking, why did you carress my hand when I gave u back the jewlery she said you asked a very good question if you want to know the aunser you have to come outside in the hallway (her husband was in the other room taking a nap) when we went out side she started frenchkissing me and touching me all over and we went down stairs and we fucked ….and from then on we had a very close relationship and we fucked each other many many times Since then I am married a second time but I still have a very close relationship with her (and she is still married to her first housband). I hope you enjoyed the story because I deffinetly enjoyed it and every time I think about it I relive the whole story. Thanks for letting me share, and thanks for reading my story

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience